Secretary Gorbea providing Voter ID cards ahead of the Presidential Preference Primary

PROVIDENCE, RI – Before Rhode Islanders go to the polls on April 26 for the
Presidential Preference Primary, Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea will be
providing voters who do not currently have a valid photo ID several opportunities to
obtain a FREE Voter ID Card from the Department of State.
Per Rhode Island state law, poll workers will ask all voters to present a current
and valid photo ID when they vote at their polling place. Below is a list of dates
and locations where registered voters may obtain a FREE Voter ID card:
March 16 – Donovan Manor, 19 Chapel St., Newport (10-12 p.m.)
March 19 – Asa Messer Elementary School 1655 Westminster St., Providence (10-12 p.m.)
March 21 – Portsmouth Multi-Purpose Senior Center, 110 Bristol Ferry Rd.,
Portsmouth (10-12 p.m.)
March 22 – St. Martin de Porres Senior Center, 160 Cranston St., Providence (10-12
Wilfred Manor, 466 Hunt St., Central Falls (2-4p.m.)
March 23 – Warwick City Hall, 3275 Post Rd., Warwick (10-12 p.m.)
The Seasons, 5 Saint Elizabeth Way, East Greenwich (1-3 p.m.)
March 25 – Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Rd., Cranston (10-12 p.m.)
March 26 – Blackstone Valley Visitor Center, 175 Main St., Pawtucket, (10- 2 p.m.)
March 29 – South Kingstown Town Hall, 180 High St., Wakefield (10-12 p.m.)
April 5 – Washington Park Community Center, 42 Jillson St., Providence (4-7 p.m.)
April 6 – DaVinci Center, 470 Charles St., Providence (11-2 p.m.)
April 7 – Valley Apartments, 1 Valley St., Providence (1-3 p.m.)
April 14 – Woonsocket Senior Center/84 Social St., Woonsocket (9:30-11:30 a.m.)
April 15 – Ponaganset High School, 137 Anan Wade Rd., Scituate (10-12 p.m.)
These events will provide opportunities for residents in these communities to obtain
a free voter ID card and receive information about the upcoming Presidential
Preference Primary.
«As Secretary of State I am committed to ensuring that every Rhode Islander who is
eligible to vote has every opportunity to do so,» Gorbea said. «The Presidential
Preference Primary is a great opportunity for more citizens to get involved in the
democratic process.»
Registered voters interested in obtaining a Voter ID Card must present proof of
identity such as: Employee ID card, credit or debit card, military ID card, student
ID card, health club ID card, insurance plan ID card, public housing ID card, or a
recent utility bill, bank statement, government paycheck, voter notification issued
by a government agency, vehicle registration or vehicle certificate of ownership
(title) issued by a government agency.
Please note, no eligible voter will be turned away at the polls. Voters who do not
bring an acceptable ID to their polling place can vote using a standard Provisional
Ballot. The ballot will be counted if the signature they give at their polling place
matches the signature on their voter registration.
For more information on the Presidential Preference Primary including requirements,
deadlines, and to how to find your polling location, please visit