Rhode Island Student Voices at the Center of Annual State of Education Event

Students and Families Share Perspectives on Education
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Ken Wagner will host the annual State of Education address on Monday, March 25, at Edward R. Martin Middle School in East Providence. This year, Wagner and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) have extended the format to put student and family voices even more at the center.
This year’s event will feature both student and parent speakers, a student showcase, and a student-led question and answer session on the issues that matter to young people in Rhode Island.
With a theme of «Shared Responsibility,» the State of Education event will kick off with a student showcase from 5:30 to 6 p.m., including six schools from around the state, and a demonstration of the Rhode Island Report Card platform that was launched in December 2018.
Remarks will begin at 6 p.m., and will include parents and students who answered an open call for essays about their experiences in public education.