Rhode Island Foundation to announce recipients of $300,000 Innovation Fellowships

Winning proposals will focus on improving civic engagement over next three years
WHAT: The Rhode Island Foundation will announce the two recipients of this year’s
$300,000 Innovation Fellowships. Designed to encourage Rhode Islanders to come up
with big ideas for improving civic engagement, the fellowships are made possible
through the vision and generosity of philanthropists Letitia and John Carter.
This year’s recipients were selected from nearly 200 applicants. This Fellowship
seeks to achieve community impact by investing in an individual’s creativity and
potential, and providing freedom to apply creative and fresh thinking to important
WHEN AND WHERE: Wed., April 12, 10:30 a.m. at the Rhode Island Foundation, One
Union Station, Providence.
HIGHLIGHTS: Ask the recipients what it feels like to win $300,000. Learn about
their bold ideas for improving civic engagement in the Ocean State. Get reaction to
the proposals from business and community leaders.