Rhode Island Closer to Making History on Reproductive Rights

Providence, RI – Statement by the Rhode Island Coalition for Reproductive Freedom on the Sub-A of House Bill 5125 — The Reproductive Privacy Act:
The Rhode Island Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (The Coalition) is proud to support the Sub-A of House Bill 5125 — The Reproductive Privacy Act (RPA). The Coalition thanks Chairwoman Anastasia Williams and the co-sponsors of this bill for their hard work and dedication. This bill both addresses concerns that have been raised regarding the original version of H 5125, and achieves the goal of protecting access to safe, legal abortion in Rhode Island no matter what happens at the federal level.
Chairwoman Anastasia Williams and Representative’s Chris Blazejewski, Karen Alzate, Jean Philippe Barros, and Evan Shanley have our gratitude for working with us to create legislation that advances reproductive freedom. The Coalition believes Chairwoman William’s bill addresses the concerns that have been raised by members of the House and Senate. We ask our legislative allies who cosponsored House Bill 5127, The Reproductive Health Care Act, to give H 5125 Sub-A their full support.
The stated goal of The Coalition is to maintain the status-quo and protect Rhode islanders from the attacks on our rights by President Trump and his allies in Washington DC. H 5125 Sub-A achieves this goal. We encourage the House to move this bill to the floor quickly and to pass it as written — without exception or amendment. We encourage the Senate to join the House and introduce their own Sub-A to match.
Tuesday, March 5, is a momentous day for reproductive freedom in Rhode Island. The Senate Judiciary Committee will hear S 152, The Reproductive Health Care Act, and the House Judiciary Committee will consider H 5125 Sub-A. We look forward to a robust showing of support at the Senate hearing, and are eager to see H 5125 Sub-A voted out of the House Judiciary Committee and to the floor for a vote by the full House of Representatives.