Reed Statement on CBO Score of Senate Trumpcare Bill


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released
a score of the Senate Trumpcare bill that is expected to be voted on later this
week. CBO found that the bill would leave 22 million Americans without health
insurance over 10 years. After the analysis was released, U.S. Senator Jack Reed
issued the following statement:

«This CBO score shows that the Republican Trumpcare bill will increase costs for
everyone, which is a major reason why 22 million people will lose coverage. The
report highlights the fact that struggling families could be priced out of the
market entirely and average deductibles will nearly double. Vulnerable kids and
seniors would be hit hardest. The federal cuts would be devastating to Rhode
Island, increasing the ranks of the uninsured quite substantially and placing a
heavier financial burden on states and communities nationwide.»
