Raimondo Directs U.S. and Rhode Island Flags Lowered
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - In accordance with a Presidential Proclamation [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001aIP24eU0uGYpKQM2MkgCSmIyBktmHS8m28FAR1HlExhdJQ54ZgTFA789kr23WeCOoZJbWnV_Lmw_JWcPK6E1w2e_MOYtYv_07XEV5RYu0XzHUOXnQqG-MeHmg_nIgGIe8r60Xjkq9YPQQkrS239X1aqVdlkRZKYNzLOK6_QYiRiyp3VTdFlqiLeRiuVo9jC6rhqvo-DtNPlAZjHKSgqwFPZSxTkDfvfn0r2oholf-AYRNwlOiWwxhA-BiugXw9cv4q0rxjDNSWhLRiGO8WcbBFTx5CnSnnIEsUD_nGIMbdoSiLSasGg3mA==&c=BziYG0BIHwBGBgiSfZlq8n8BpFiUgUsrgj0ZCyzHCfcezRRGNR_9ig==&ch=eL-01iC6sd0QzQ-FbnF96YJGRjF-fkfcHUAz9o3OKnVmMHr_lQy71g==], Governor Gina M. Raimondo has ordered U.S. and Rhode Island flags to be flown at half-staff at all state facilities and buildings in honor of the victims of the attacks in Brussels until sunset on March 26, 2016. "On behalf of all Rhode Islanders, I send my deepest condolences to the victims of these senseless attacks and their loved ones," Raimondo said. "Our hearts are with the people of Belgium." Raimondo also asks Rhode Islanders to lower their flags as a mark of respect.