Providence Public Library Announces Schedules for Free Personal Advancement & Lifestyle Technology Classes

PROVIDENCE, RI – Providence Public Library announces its schedules for its Personal
Advancement computer classes and Lifestyle Technology offerings for February, March
and April. These classes are offered free of charge and are held in the Library’s
3rd Floor Conference Room, 150 Empire Street, Providence. Participants in the
personal advancement classes receive instruction on topics from computer/technology
basics to advanced software use.
The complete schedule of classes for February through April is available at: and includes some
offerings on Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, this March and April, the Library
is offering its popular Digital Photography Series of four classes on Thursday
Digital Photography Series
For the beginning to moderately experienced photographer, this series of straight
forward, hands-on classes will help you with capturing, storing, sharing, and
editing your digital photos. No prior experience with photography is necessary.
Attendees are welcome to register for one class or multiple classes in the series.
Cameras will not be provided and are not necessary; however, registrants are welcome
to bring their own devices to class.
Thursday, March 13; 6 – 8 pm – Class I. Digital Photography Basics
Thursday, March 27; 6 – 8 pm – Class II. Storing and Sharing Your Photos
Thursday, April 10; 6 – 8 pm – Class III. Photo Editing and Slideshow Creation
Thursday, April 24; 6 – 8 pm – Class IV. Photography and the Web
For complete information or to register for upcoming classes, go to: or call
401-455-8026 after 1:00 PM. The Library is closed Wednesdays. Classes are subject to
change and cancellation. Classes repeat from month to month.