Open Dialogue Forum Between Rhode Island Law Enforcement and Community Members

Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent, of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, in conjunction with Roger Williams University School of Continuing Studies, announce an open dialogue forum between Rhode Island law enforcement and community members. The discussion will be held:
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Roger Williams University School of Continuing Studies
1 Empire Street, 3rd Floor
Providence, Rhode Island
This forum will be a unique conversation on strengthening Community-Police relations in Rhode Island. Community members will provide strategies for law enforcement to better engage the community and law enforcement will ask the community how they can help build stronger relationships with police.
Colonel O’Donnell stated, “It is incumbent upon our State Police to continually have open and honest dialogue with every aspect of our community in order to keep citizens of this state safe. This unique dialogue will afford different community leaders an opportunity to respond to questions from law enforcement in an effort to create a greater dialogue encompassing all the current events that we face in the law enforcement community.”