Obama defends abortion clinics

The White House said the US president , Barack Obama , will oppose any measure the US Congress to withdraw funds to Planned Parenthood, a clinic that performs abortions in this country.
Republican lawmakers threatened to withhold federal funding to this non-profit organization, after a group that oppose abortions published a video suggesting that the organization is profiting from the sale of fetal tissue for medical research purposes
Antiabortion groups and many Republican lawmakers have said it is morally wrong for Planned Parenthood , which receives $ 500 million in state and federal funds, to obtained fetal organs for research and some accuse the organization of selling organs which is illegal.
Planned Parenthood says that fulfills a law allowing abortions providers receive reimbursements for expenses incurred , There is at least five states that scientists receive tissue with the consent of women who underwent abortion .
Scientists have conducted studies of fetal tissues from the 1930s and used by voluntary bodies and involuntary–of abortions to find treatments and cures for Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome and other conditions. The National Institutes of Health spent $ 76 million on fetal tissue studies last year.