Nineteen candidates file statement of intent for Presidential Preference Primary

PROVIDENCE, RI – A total of 19 candidates have filed the required statement of intent form with the Department of State as a first step towards appearing on the ballot in the Presidential Preference Primary scheduled for April 26th. The deadline for filing a statement of intent was today at noon.
Those candidates are: Hillary Clinton (D), Roque «Rocky» De La Fuente (D), Lloyd Kelso (D), Martin J. O’Malley (D), Bernie Sanders (D), Mark Stewart (D), Paij Boring (R), Jeb Bush (R), Ben Carson (R), Chris Christie (R), Ted Cruz (R), Carleton «Carly» Fiorina (R), Jim Gilmore (R), Mike Huckabee (R), John R. Kasich (R), Rand Paul (R), Marco Rubio (R), Rick Santorum (R), and Donald Trump (R).
Candidates must next obtain the signatures of 1,000 eligible Rhode Island voters on their nomination papers in order to be placed on the ballot. Candidates have until 4 p.m. on February 4th to submit the signed nomination papers to the local board of canvassers of each city or town where the signers are registered to vote. After receiving the certified nomination papers from the local boards of canvassers, the Department of State will announce the qualified presidential candidates.
For more information on the Presidential Preference Primary or any other information related to elections and voting in Rhode Island, please visit the Rhode Island Department of State’s Elections Division online at or call (401) 222-2340.