Myrth York Endorses Raimondo

Three time Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Myrth York, threw her support behind Gina Raimondo Wednesday morning.
During an event at the Rue de L’Espoir restaurant on Hope Street in Providence, featuring Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts and about two-dozen predominantly female supporters. York explained why she backed Raimondo for governor.
York was an early supporter of Angel Taveras’ 2010 mayoral campaign in Providence, and wound up chairing his run, and still remains a behind-the-scenes player in local politics.
York says she endorsed Raimondo because she considers the treasurer the best candidate to lead Rhode Island out of its persistent economic problems. Although York was a pioneer as the first female major party candidate to win a gubernatorial primary in Rhode Island, she says she does not support Raimondo because she is a woman. Rather, she believes that Raimondo possesses the skills, talent, drive, and intellect to lead the state forward.
Besides Taveras and Raimondo, Clay Pell is the other major Democrat running for governor.