Mayor Fung Kicks off City’s Summer Playground Camp Program at Doric Playground

On June 22, 2015, Cranston- Mayor Allan Fung kicked off the summer season for Cranston youth at the Doric Avenue Playground this morning. Mayor Fung was joined by Ward 2 Councilman Don Botts, as well as Parks & Recreation Director, Anthony “Tony” Liberatore as they welcomed young people from all over the city to their first day of City Playground Summer Camp.
“Programs such as our Playground Summer Camp demonstrate why Cranston is such a wonderful place to live,” stated Mayor Fung. “We provide our young people with a safe and fun environment at a reasonable cost to their parents and events such as this, where we are surrounded by the smiling faces of some of Cranston’s youngest residents, make our efforts all the more rewarding.”
The City Playground Summer Camp Program serves youth from all parts of the City at four convenient playground locations: Doric Avenue, Garden City, Glen Hills, and Hope Highlands. Currently there are approximately 450 children participating in the summer program, which includes playground camp, tennis, theater, and arts and crafts.
“Our Summer Playground Camp exposes children to many different activities, including a trip to Yawgoo Valley Water Slides, a PawSox game, swimming at Spring Lake, Roller Skating and of course swimming in our beloved Budlong Pool. There is truly something for everyone in our summer program,” concluded Mayor Fung.
The City Playground Camp program runs from Monday June 22nd until Friday August 14 and more information can be obtained on the city website: