Mayor Elorza Opposes Proposed LNG Facility

«The entire world is threatened due to climate change and we must move away from
fossil fuels. In Providence, we have set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and we are leading the way to becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
The proposed plant would process liquid natural gas that is extracted through
hydraulic fracking, which is devastating to the environment and the surrounding
communities. Providence does not want to perpetuate or expand fracking, nor do we
want to be burdened by the risks associated with a liquefaction plant in Providence.
There are clear energy policy and market signals at the local, national, and
international level telling us that we should be investing in renewable and clean
energy. Our future is in projects like Deep Water Wind and investing in clean
heating sources like geothermal and electric heat pumps, not more fossils fuels.
I have listened to the community and I have listened to the experts. With all the
information that I have seen on this matter, a liquefied natural gas plant is
clearly not in the best interest of the city and I do not want to see the project
move forward. Providence has the opportunity and moral obligation to be leaders in
clean, renewable energy and that is the direction our city should move in.»