Langevin Statement on Comey Memos Regarding President Trump’s Interference into Michael Flynn Investigation
Washington, D.C.– Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) released the following statement regarding reports that President Trump attempted to dissuade former FBI Director James Comey from continuing the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn:
“Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein must appoint an independent prosecutor immediately to continue investigations into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Any Presidential interference into a law enforcement investigation is unjustifiable. When the investigation is into the President and his associates, such interference approaches the criminal. More information is needed before making that determination, but I hope Mr. Comey takes his first opportunity to appear before Congress and set the record straight.
“President Trump’s Administration has been marred by the appearance of impropriety since the day he took office. The new information revealed by Mr. Comey does not give the appearance of impropriety, it is the very definition of impropriety. President Trump’s actions, such as the recent disclosure of highly classified information to Russian officials, have been erratic and unguided by any strategy. If reports are accurate, this action was guided by a strategy, a cold calculation to undermine the American notion of equal justice for all. President Trump’s first four months in office have already stained, perhaps indelibly, his reputation. The actions revealed today have stained the esteemed office he holds. President Trump must act swiftly to admit his wrongdoing and change the course of his presidency, or Congress must be prepared to do so for him.”