Just in time for the long Columbus Day weekend, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation

(RIDOT) today opened the indoor facility at the truck rest area along I-95 North,
located between Exits 2 and 3 in Richmond.
The building will offer indoor restrooms daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., including
weekends and holidays. Outside of those hours, the rest area has portable restrooms
RIDOT reopened the rest area on September 2, just in time for Labor Day weekend.
The rest area provides additional safe parking for truck drivers, who must comply
with federal regulations that limit the number of hours they can drive and establish
minimum rest periods between shifts.
The existing truck rest area closed in 2011, at roughly the same time new Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration Hours of Service Regulations were being developed.
These regulations not only limit the number of hours spent driving, but also mandate
minimum rest periods between shifts.
Reopening of the existing truck rest area was always envisioned when RIDOT sought
federal TIGER grant funding for the new Rhode Island Travel Plaza and Transit Hub.
With the awarding of $9 million in funding for the new Welcome Center, RIDOT is
moving forward with that project.