International Night at Shea High School

Dr. Pablo Rodriguez talked with Donald Miller, Principal of Shea High School in Pawtucket, RI.
Shea HS is one of four high schools in the city of Pawtucket. Currently, there are 860 students, comprising up to 30 countries. Of these students, about 40-50% are Latino and 27% make up the ESL population.
Donald Miller discusses the new NECAP graduation requirements, community and parent engagement, and Friends of Shea.
Miller also discusses an upcoming event International Night. Taking place on Thursday April 10, 2014, this is a chance to celebrate the diversity of Shea High School. It will be a night of music, dance, and song.
During this event, there will be international food provided by parents and students. At the same time, it will serve as an open house for parents to discuss with teachers their child’s progress. The event takes place right after progress reports have been given out to students, making it a wonderful opportunity for parents and students to receive guidance and direction and learn how they can become part of Friends of Shea.
Listen to the provided audio clip to learn more.