Cranston Police Department & CCAP Substance Abuse Task Force to Continue Party Patrols During Summer 2017
The summer is officially here and it is a great time to reconnect with our friends and relatives and celebrate the warmer weather. When it comes to drinking and driving, the choices we make have permanent consequences…be safe this summer and designate a sober driver. The Cranston Police Department will be vigilant in enforcing all traffic violations, but we will be especially watchful of operators who may be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; as well as looking for signs of underage drinking. It is our business to make sure the roads in Cranston and Rhode Island are safe; and we will be out in force this season.
The Cranston Police Department and CCAP’s Substance Abuse Task Force have joined forces again this summer in this important battle. CCAP, Cranston’s Comprehensive Community Action Program, has provided the Department with $18,000 in additional grant funding to continue a partnership whose primary goal is to prevent the senseless tragedies that go along with the illicit consumption of alcohol. Our longstanding partnership will focus on the police department’s “Party Patrol” efforts. These specialized patrol units will be visible in Cranston every weekend until Labor Day — stopping in at neighborhood parties, conducting car stops looking for DUIs, as well as visiting liquor establishments looking for signs of over consumption and / or underage drinking.
Colonel Winquist stated, “ As we gear up to celebrate our countries independence, we ask that you exercise good judgment when hosting or attending parties throughout the summer season by ensuring that nobody gets behind the wheel of a car who may be impaired. We will be deploying additional patrols whose focus will be to detect and arrest drunk or drugged drivers on our city’s roadways. Officers will also be ensuring that those consuming alcohol at house parties and other locations are of legal age. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to making this a safe and enjoyable time of year. I would like to thank CCAP for their continued partnership and support.”
Mayor Allan W. Fung stated, “Summer is a time for fun, but it’s also a time we must be extra vigilant to ensure no celebration ends in tragedy. Our city’s ‘party patrol’ effort is a great example of community partnership as CCAP and the Cranston Police Department join together to keep our residents safe.”
The public is encouraged to report possible impaired drivers or gatherings involving underage consumption of alcohol to the Cranston Police Department by calling 401-942-2211.