COVID-19 Business Compliance Update

Some businesses receive perfect scores; others receive compliance orders
More than 250 businesses in sectors such as retail, fitness, and hospitality received perfect scores on their COVID-19 compliance inspections, according to Rhode Island’s COVID-19 Enforcement Task Force. The COVID-19 Enforcement Task Force is a collaboration between the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation (DBR).
These inspections are intended to measure compliance with industry specific COVID-19 requirements. A list of these businesses is available online.
“The business owners and employees throughout Rhode Island who are proactively implementing systems and practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 absolutely should be applauded,” said Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH. “The business community has a major role to play in helping keep our communities healthy and safe. These business owners are setting examples that should be followed throughout the state.”
“The Department of Business Regulation thanks the vast majority of businesses who are following the rules and implementing the necessary protocols to keep our citizens safe,” said DBR Director Liz Tanner. “We will continue to inspect businesses throughout the state and work with those who are not fully in compliance. It is only through your cooperation that our state can continue to safely reopen its economy and emerge from this crisis together.”
Additionally, in the last week, ten business received compliance orders for failing to comply with a range of public health directives related to COVID-19. These businesses—ranging from retail to services to hospitality—are listed below. Three of these businesses were re-inspected on August 18th, and all were found to be in compliance.
Businesses are required to take steps such as ensure that employees and guests are wearing masks and practicing social distancing, and designate a point of contact who will work with RIDOH on case investigations, should the need arise.
Compliance orders:
- 114 Express, Warren
- Migz Wireless, Central Falls
- Super 8 Motel, West Greenwich
- Oaklawn Mobile, Cranston
- Warren Super Mart, Warren
- Lenox Convenience Store, Providence
- Mahogany Shoals, New Shoreham (this business is now in compliance)
- Saver’s Mart, Providence (this business is now in compliance)
- Sandy Shore Motel, Westerly (this business is now in compliance)
- Milano’s Pizza, Providence (this business is now in compliance)
These compliance orders and all other COVID-19 related compliance orders are posted online on the website of DBR – []
To file a complaint about a business, call 401-889-5550 or visit