Coventry: Scott Copley who is an Independent candidate for State Senate in District 33 called out Senator Raptakis for his poor voting record.
“I am extremely disappointed that an elected official who is expected to represent the taxpayers does not show up to vote on important issues,” said Copley. “Senator Raptakis missed 107 votes during the last session and countless other votes in prior years. Rhode Island taxpayers are suffering from being over-taxed. Our state is ranked last in the nation for business and has roads and bridges that are amongst the worst. We expect our elected officials to be there in order to do the business of the people. Particularly with a part-time legislature.”
Leonidas Raptakis has served in the Rhode Island legislature for several terms as both a State Representative and a State Senator.
“My district is currently being represented by someone who also continually votes with leadership and doesn’t represent the people of Coventry/West Greenwich and East Greenwich,” said Copely. “He has even voted to pay 38 Studios bondholders in this year’s budget. Most people probably aren’t even aware that he also voted in support of the tolls when the Senate attempted to rush them through the first time in June of 2015. Senator Raptakis has been in the legislature for several years and is clearly part of the problem. Rhode Islanders need fundamental change to turn this state around.”
More information on Scott Copely can be found on his website,