Congressman David N. Cicilline announces Winners of District 1 Congressional Art Competion

Pawtucket – Congressman Cicilline greeted a diverse group of students with their family and their art teachers at a reception held in his office. The Congressman announces the three winners of a nation-wide high school arts competition, The Artistic Discovery Contest.
The competition included paintings, drawings, collage, prints, computer generated art and photographs.
The three winners of the competition in District 1 are the following:
1st place winner – Abigail Palmer, North Smithfield High School
The art will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for 1 year and she will receive 2 free airline tickets courtesy of Southwest Airlines to travel to Washington D.C. to attend the Congressional Art Completion National Reception
2nd place winner – Ashley Butler, Cumberland High School
The art will be displayed in the DC office for 1 year
3rd place winner – Abigail White, Barrington Christian Academy
The art will be displayed in the district office for 1 year
The room where the reception took place displayed the winners’ art pieces as well as all the art pieces that were submitted for the competition.