Colonel Clements announces the appointment of Major Thomas A. Verdi to the position of Deputy Chief of the Providence Police Department

Providence, RI- This morning Colonel Hugh T. Clements, Jr. announced the appointment
of Major Thomas A. Verdi to the position of Deputy Chief of Police. Verdi is the
successor of Deputy Chief Thomas F. Oates III.
Verdi is a 29-year veteran of the department who most recently served as the
Commanding Officer of the Uniform Division. Previous to that he served as Executive
Officer of the Administrative division and also has comprehensive experience in
detectives, organized crime, the patrol bureau, and SWAT operations. Verdi has built
and maintained a strong working relationship with local, state and federal agencies
as well as the community. In 2006 Verdi was the recipient of the National
Association of Police Organizations «TOP COPS» Award, amongst numerous other awards
and commendations throughout his career. Verdi also serves on several boards and
commissions representing the department. Verdi was the first Providence Police
Officer to be appointed to serve on the RI Parole Board. Separate from his various
accomplishments in law enforcement, Verdi has also served as an Amateur Scout for
the Cincinnati Reds Baseball organization since 2015.
«Throughout his 29 years on the job, Major Verdi has served with distinction in his
many positions within the police department,» said Colonel Clements. «I have known
Major Verdi for many years and I am confident he will serve the residents of
Providence and the men and women in this department well and I look forward to
working with him as the new Commander.»
In his capacity of Deputy Chief, Verdi will be responsible for all operations within
the Uniform and Investigative divisions and also assist Colonel Clements in the
administration of the entire department. Verdi will also be responsible for
disciplinary matters.
«I am grateful to Colonel Clements for granting me this opportunity and I look
forward to working more closely with him, the command staff and the Providence F.O.P
Lodge #3, at setting and implementing strategies for the department,» said Major
Verdi. «The men and women of the PPD are the most dedicated, experienced, talented
officers in policing and I welcome the opportunity to continue to serve with then.
The city of Providence and the citizens in this community are very special to me and
I look forward to working with them in my new role as Deputy Chief.»
Major Verdi will be attending the 226th Session of the prestigious FBI National
Academy in Quantico, VA beginning this Sunday, October 2, 2016 and returning on
December 18, 2016.