City of Pawtucket Awarded $180K in Grants from RIDEM for Brownfield Cleanup

Grant dollars to be used for site preparation for Division Street and Town Landing
Pawtucket – The City of Pawtucket was the recipient of two major brownfield site
preparation grants in the recent round of awards from the Rhode Island Department of
Environmental Management’s Brownfield Remediation and Economic Development Fund.
The City was awarded $100,000 to assist with the pre-development environmental
permitting for the recent $40 million mixed-use development project submitted by the
Peregrine Group, proposed for the 11-acre City-owned parcel on Division Street. The
brownfield «site preparation» grant will cover the costs associated with developing
a «remedial action work plan», which would facilitate the permitting for the planned
development at the site.
The second award of $80,000 that was awarded to the City, will be allocated towards
advance remediation and redevelopment efforts at the City-owned five-acre riverfront
parcel at Town Landing located off of Taft Street. The City has been working with
National Grid to develop a master plan that includes the five-acre Town Landing and
adjacent ten-acre site owned by National Grid and scheduled to be remediated as part
of National Grid’s clean-up plan of the utility site.
«Pawtucket has some very desirable and picturesque property along Division Street
and at Town Landing,» said Mayor Grebien of the two locations set to undergo
remediation. «These significant grant awards will go a long way towards getting
these two parcels ready for development and for establishing future economic growth
here in the City,» said the Mayor.