Cicilline to Host Congressman John Larson for Public Forum on Future of Social Security in East Providence

WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI) will welcome U.S. Congressman John Larson to East Providence next Tuesday, August 16th, at 3:30pm for a discussion with seniors and retirees on the future of Social Security. This Sunday marks the 81st anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act into law, an action that ensured retirement security for millions of Americans over the decades that followed.
Cicilline and Larson have introduced the Social Security 2100 Act (H.R. 1391) to expand benefits, cut taxes for millions of seniors, and ensure Social Security remains solvent through the end of the century. Expanding benefits for current and future seniors will provide greater economic security and dignity at a time when millions of Americans are increasingly concerned about their retirement.
An estimated 165 million workers are covered by Social Security, with nine out of ten individuals age 65 and older receiving these benefits. A recent study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that Social Security keeps at least 22 million Americans out of poverty.