Central Falls Community Programs

We want to take a moment to bring our city’s two newest programs to your attention.
Both programs are free, available to participants of all ages and backgrounds, and
provide wonderful ways to keep fit while also having fun.
Our first program is CF2: Central Falls Community Fitness. This is a program run in
partnership with the Pawtucket Family YMCA. Central Falls residents may use the
Pawtucket Family Y free of charge between 10am-11:15am on Tuesdays and Thursdays
beginning Tuesday, January 19th. Additionally, the YMCA will be running a free bus
to and from Central Falls to help bring our residents access the Y. The bus will
stop at Notre Dame Ambulatory Center and Blackstone Valley Health Care Center at
9:25am, Wilfrid Manor at 9:35am and Forand Manor at 9:45am. The bus will return,
dropping residents off at approximately 11:30am at Forand Manor, 11:40 at Wilfrid
Manor, and 11:50 at Notre Dame. All Y facilities will be open, including the pool,
basketball courts, weight rooms, and cardio machines. If there is enough interest
from attendees, group fitness classes may also be offered.
Our second program is a continuation of our Friday Tennis Play Days, run in
conjunction with the United States Tennis Association. These playdays are an
opportunity for the community to come learn and play tennis. All equipment will be
provided but residents are welcome to bring their own racquets and balls. Snacks
will be provided. The program will run every Friday through the end of February
(1/15, 22, 29; 2/5, 12, 19, 26) from 3pm-4:30pm in the Veterans Elementary School
Attached are flyers for both programs, please help us spread the word about these
opportunities! If you have any questions or would like hard copies of the flyers
provided, please let us know.