Voz de América Más de 323 millones de personas en tres continents corren el riesgo de contraer enfermedades que pueden amenazar sus vidas como el cólera y la tifoidea. El programa del medio ambiente de Naciones Unidas alertó sobre altos niveles de contaminación del agua en tres continentes lo que pone en riesgo la vida […]readmore
Lisa Schlein VOA News GENEVA — The World Health Organization warns of a growing threat of antibiotic resistance to three common sexually transmitted infections. The WHO is issuing updated guidelines on treatments nations should follow to reduce their spread and improve sexual and reproductive health. Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are major public health problems. The World […]readmore
VOA News SAN FRANCISCO — A California startup has developed a portable technology that will allow consumers to test their food for gluten on the go. «Even when you go out and see these labeled menu items, you are still playing Russian roulette,» said Shireen Yates, co-founder and chief executive of Nima, founded in 2013. Designed […]readmore
Add hearing loss to the list of health problems that could be caused by the Zika virus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the study Tuesday, saying that out of nearly 70 children infected with the virus, four had hearing loss that appeared to be unconnected with any other health issue. This, […]readmore
VOA News A group of 20 senators expressed their continued dissatisfaction with pharmaceutical company Mylan’s handling of a price hike for their EpiPen product in a letter to the company’s CEO. Having come under fire in recent weeks for unprecedented price hikes of the EpiPen, Mylan has announced coupons and generic versions of the drug. […]readmore
PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) today announced 96 mosquito samples from 26 traps set on Tuesday, August 9, 2016 have tested negative for both West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Personal protection is the first line of defense against mosquitoes that may carry WNV, EEE, or other […]readmore
The United States can expect the Zika virus to «hang around» as long as two more years, with the Gulf Coast states being the most vulnerable, according to one of the country’s top medical experts. «I would not be surprised if we see cases in Texas, in Louisiana, particularly now where you have a situation […]readmore
The Zika virus, which U.S. health officials have determined threaten fetal brain development, also could pose risks to adult brains – and not just those of infected pregnant women. New research, published in the journal Cell Stem Cell on Thursday, suggests the virus may damage cells that affect adults’ memory and learning. In experiments with […]readmore
Who remembers the Mayan Calendar that ended in 2012, and how it was supposed to presage the end of the world? That was funny, Hollywood made a movie about it. Needless to say we’re still here. What was arguably lost in all of the sad speculation and fear-mongering of the end-of-the-world crowd was the sheer […]readmore
As the Zika virus spreads through the Americas and into the United States, there’s been a scramble to develop a vaccine against it. Some of those vaccines are now entering clinical trials. Omar Kahn, a chemical engineer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, hopes his customizable vaccine will soon follow. The vaccine uses messenger RNA, a […]readmore