VOA News By Megan Duzor The U.S. Secret Service is warning Americans to be on the lookout for coronavirus-linked scams saying that «any major news event can become an opportunity for groups or individuals with malicious intentions.” In a statement Monday, the Secret Service said criminals have already begun to use the fears surrounding the coronavirus […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I.– Governor Gina M. Raimondo today signed a declaration creating a State of Emergency in Rhode Island, allowing the State to access additional resources to supplement its robust response to COVID-19. In addition, today the Governor, Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training (DLT), and Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) announced a series […]readmore
VOA News La incertidumbre y el temor aumentaron el martes al revelarse que ya son 9 las personas que han fallecido en Estados Unidos por el coronavirus, aunque por ahora todos las víctimas han sido del noroccidental estado de Washington. Una parte del temor se debe a las dudas en el Congreso acerca de la […]readmore
VOA News By Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON – The U.S. surgeon general has a message for Americans inclined to wear a mask to ward off the deadly coronavirus — don’t. «Their risk as American citizens remains low,» Surgeon General Jerome Adams told the «Fox & Friends» show on Monday. «There are things that people can do to […]readmore
VOA News By Lisa Schlein GENEVA – The World Health Organization is urging countries affected by the coronavirus to enact containment measures as the best way to slow down the spread of this deadly disease. While most of the nearly 89,000 cases of coronavirus are reported from China, WHO said Monday the virus appears to be […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – As the reported number of coronavirus cases and fatalities on Monday increased in the United States, President Donald Trump said there is no immediate need to declare a national emergency. «I don’t think you’ll need that, because I really think we’re in extremely good shape,» the president said. […]readmore
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – The death toll from the coronavirus in the U.S. climbed to six Monday and the disease spread to ever more countries and world capitals, even as new cases in China dropped to their lowest level in six weeks. A shift in the crisis appeared to be taking shape, as hundreds of […]readmore
VOA News U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday he thinks the spread of a new coronavirus in the United States is avoidable and expressed confidence his administration is ready to respond. “I don’t think it’s inevitable,” he told reporters at the White House. “It probably will. It possibly will. It could be at a very […]readmore
VOA News AP Una segunda oleada de influenza azota a Estados Unidos convirtiendo a la actual temporada en una de las peores para los niños en una década. La cifra de muertes infantiles y la tasa de hospitalización de niños son las más altas registradas en esta fecha para cualquier temporada desde el severo brote […]readmore
By VOA News U.S. health officials are preparing for a second wave of the winter flu season, complicated this year by similarities between flu symptoms and those of the coronavirus that has killed more than 1,500 in China and spread fear around the world. A first round of seasonal flu, caused by a strain of influenza […]readmore