DW News «Esta pandemia no es sólo una crisis de salud pública, afecta a todos los sectores, y todos los gobiernos y sociedades deben involucrarse en la lucha», dijo el director general de la OMS. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) anunció hoy que el coronavirus (COVID-19) ya puede definirse como una «pandemia», después […]readmore
If you are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, you should: Stock up on supplies. Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others. When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact and wash your hands often. Avoid crowds as much as possible. Avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel. […]readmore
VOA News By Laura Sepúlveda NUEVA YORK — La posibilidad de recortar los impuestos, que está considerando la administración del presidente Donald Trump, pudo haber influido en el comportamiento de la Bolsa de Valores, que este martes se recuperó luego de haber sufrido su peor día en una década el lunes. El Dow Jones registró […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI, March 10, 2020- Family Service of Rhode Island, a statewide non-profit, is asking for help to provide items to help the low income children, families and seniors it serves “be safe” from the Coronavirus. “We work in schools and communities across Rhode Island, and in recent weeks so many families have asked how they can […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – U.S. President Donald Trump met with congressional leaders Tuesday afternoon to discuss a payroll tax cut as part of efforts to provide «substantial relief» to businesses and individuals who suffer financially as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. “ «We’re also going to be talking about hourly wage […]readmore
lprnews WOONSOCKET, R.I.: Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt and the City of Woonsocket Parks & Recreation Department are pleased to announce the City’s annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday April 4, at Rivers Edge Complex at 12 Noon sharp. Rivers Edge is located on Davison Street. Participants should arrive no later than 11:45 a.m. […]readmore
DW Noticias La lista de noticias falsas sobre el coronavirus va desde las teorías conspirativas absurdas hasta las más aterradoras. Las advertencias sobre esos bulos abarrotan internet casi tanto como los informes oficiales. No, el coronavirus que mantiene al mundo en vilo no tiene un origen demostrable en laboratorios militares chinos o estadounidenses. No, los […]readmore
VOA News Foto: Personas usando máscaras de protección en Florencia, al tiempo que Italia lucha contra un brote de coronavirus. 7 marzo 2020. Siete semanas después de la confirmación del primer caso del nuevo coronavirus en Estados Unidos, la diseminación del virus ha causado extensos daños a sectores clave de la economía. Las aerolíneas están […]readmore
By VOA News Gov. Andrew Cuomo has called out the National Guard to help set up a containment zone in the New York City suburb of New Rochelle, which the governor says contains the country’s largest cluster of coronavirus cases. In one of the more drastic measures in the United States so far, authorities are establishing […]readmore
Providence, RI (March 10, 2020) ¾ In light of the developing COVID-19 situation and following the recommendations of several of our sponsors – Brown University, RIDOH, Care New England, Lifespan– Brain Week Rhode Island has made the decision to cancel this year’s events. In addition to the hundreds of people who attend our events, many of the […]readmore