New drive-through testing site at Twin River will offer on-the-spot results State’s testing capacity doubled thanks to partnership with CVS Health PROVIDENCE, R.I.– Governor Gina M. Raimondo announced today that Rhode Island has formed a partnership with CVS Health to make free, rapid COVID-19 tests available to all Rhode Islanders. Tests using the new Abbott […]readmore
El nuevo sitio de pruebas de manejo en Twin River ofrecerá resultados en el acto La capacidad de prueba del estado se duplicó gracias a la asociación con CVS Health PROVIDENCE, R.I.- La gobernadora Gina M. Raimondo anunció hoy que Rhode Island se ha asociado con CVS Health para poner a disposición de todos los […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press For Pope Francis at the Vatican, and for Christians worldwide from churches large and small, this will be an Easter like none other: The joyous message of Jesus Christ’s resurrection will be delivered to empty pews. Worries about the coronavirus outbreak have triggered widespread cancellations of Holy Week processions and in-person […]readmore
“Meetings are huge for me,” says Mike S., a 52-year-old web content specialist who has been sober since 2012. When his community began practicing social distancing, some of his usual meetings began offering the option of attending online. Mike went in person as long as he could, but things already felt different. With some regulars […]readmore
VOA News By Fern Robinson VOA NEWS – “It’s only been 30 days since our first case,” battle-fatigued New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday about the COVID-19 outbreak that has invaded his state. “It feels like an entire lifetime.” New York is the U.S. state hardest hit by the coronavirus, where it has claimed more […]readmore
VOA News Roughly 25 percent of the world’s 1.2 million COVID-19 cases have been reported in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins figures Sunday morning. New York is the U.S. state hardest hit by the coronavirus, where it has claimed more than 3,500 lives. Public health experts say the situation is about to get […]readmore
VOA News By Cecily Hilleary WASHINGTON – Fred Willie doesn’t like to call himself a healer or a medicine man — “I’m just Fred Willie. Most people just call me ‘Uncle Fred.’” A member of the Navajo Nation, he frequently travels to other reservations to perform healing ceremonies and hold sweat lodges. He was visiting the […]readmore
Mientras, ya hay más de 80,000 personas muertas por el COVID-19, según los últimos datos de la Universidad de Johns Hopkins Washington – El número de personas contagiadas por el coronavirus en Estados Unidos superó este sábado los 300,000, con más de 8,000 muertos en todo el país, según los últimos datos de la Universidad de […]readmore
Rhode Island – The entire Rhode Island Congressional delegation heard directly from hundreds of health care workers on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis in a Zoom Tele Town Hall sponsored by District 1199 SEIU New England. Senator Jack Reed, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Congressman Jim Langevin, and Congressman David Cicilline all participated in the exchange with […]readmore
VOA News By Fern Robinson The long journeys of two cruise ships that experienced COVID-19 outbreaks are finally coming to an end in Florida. The Zaandam and Rotterdam were docked in Port Everglades on Thursday when at least 13 passengers and one crew member were transported to local hospitals to be treated for the coronavirus. Other […]readmore