Listen to Mrs. Raimondo words at the 911 Memorial Ceremony that took place at the State House this morningreadmore
Listen to Mr. Fung’s words at the 911 Memorial Ceremony that took place at the State House this morning readmore
Democrat – US Senate Precincts Reported Percent 411 409 100% CANDIDATES Total Pct John F. Reed (Dem) 94,155 100% Democrat – Congress District 1 Precincts Reported Percent 198 197 99% CANDIDATES Total Pct David N. Cicilline (Dem) 36,218 63% Matthew J. Fecteau (Dem) 21,637 37% Democrat – Congress District 2 […]readmore
Rhode Island – Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee within 24 hours of primary decided Monday night to pre endorse Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Clay Pell The latest survey has a Pell with 26% of voter preference Angel Taveras battling for second place with 27% and Gina Raimondo in first place with 32%readmore