Jim Malone December 31, 2015 The 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is about to kick into overdrive only a month before the first votes are counted in Iowa. Contenders from both parties will ramp up their campaign activities early in January, with a heavy focus on the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South […]readmore
Rhode Island – Dennis Andrew Ball candidato a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos ofrecio una conferencia de prensa el miércoles a las 11am en el primer piso de la Casa Estatal de Rhode Island. Ball candidato del American Party of America dice tener la respuesta para el problema con la inmigración. El ofrece una […]readmore
Michael Bowman December 27, 2015 WASHINGTON—Americans witnessed a rarity at the end of 2015: a functioning Congress that enacted major legislation with bipartisan support. For 2016, Republican leaders in both chambers are promising a return to the traditional legislative procedures under which Congress operated decades ago – an intention that will be tested in an […]readmore
VOA News December 28, 2015 President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton top the list of America’s “most admired” man and woman, respectively, according to polling organization Gallup. Seventeen percent of Americans cited Obama as their most admired, while 13 percent chose Clinton, Gallup said. Clinton has topped the list 20 times, with […]readmore
Donald Trump lleva una ventaja de 20 puntos frente a su principal rival, Ted Cruz. Ben Carson y Marco Rubio siguen bajando. Voz de América – Redacción La encuesta de la cadena CNN coloca al multimillonario Donald Trump nuevamente a la cabeza en las preferencias electorales. Trump, incluso aparece con tres puntos más, que en […]readmore
Los candidatos demócratas, Hillary Clinton y Bernie Sanders, expresan preocupación. Pero el republicano Donald Trump aplaude la medida. Voz de América – Redacción Los candidatos presidenciales de ambos partidos reaccionaron de manera distinta a los reportes de que Estados Unidos podría comenzar a deportar familias que ingresaron ilegalmente al país el año pasado. La candidata […]readmore
Feliz Navidad! Felices Pascuas! Felices Fiestas! 401-942-3881 This year LPR’s year-end pledge drive starts December 14th and it will conclude December 31st with a goal of $30,000. Throughout 2015, LPR’s objective was to serve you and our community. We did that by keeping you and the community informed, empowered and connected by broadcasting the following: […]readmore
Cruz reaccionó a una caricatura en la sección editorial del diario The Washington Post, que muestra a sus hijas como monitos de un organillero. Voz de América – Redacción El senador republicano por Tejas, Ted Cruz, segundo favorito para la nominación presidencial de su partido, criticó el miércoles a los medios de comunicación y exigió […]readmore
BOSTON – December 23, 2015 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $300,000 in grants to support the efforts of six Buy Local organizations for projects which seek to connect food producers to their surrounding communities in Western, Central, Northeastern and Southeastern Massachusetts. «Buy Local organizations are committed to the idea that knowing where your food […]readmore
VOA News Democrats and Republicans have yet to choose their official candidates for next year’s presidential election, but that has not stopped front-runners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from attacking each other. Monday began with Trump calling Clinton a liar and demanding she apologize for her claim during Saturday’s Democratic debate that Islamic State militants […]readmore