Associated Press First lady Melania Trump. If that prospect evokes no clear image, that’s no accident. Donald Trump’s wife has said little in the campaign about the type of first lady she’d like to be should her husband win the Republican nomination and the presidency. The distance, she’s said, is intentional so she can focus […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier The latest U.S. political survey shows billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump and staunch conservative Texas Senator Ted Cruz in a virtual dead heat in the farm state of Iowa, days ahead of the first voting in the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. In polling in recent days, Quinnipiac University […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea today announced the launch of a redesigned Department of State website ( The new website, created entirely through in-house efforts, offers a straightforward interface that will make it easier for Rhode Islanders to quickly access the information they need. “As Secretary of State, I’ve been working […]readmore
WHITE HOUSE—President Barack Obama walked a fine line in an apparent attempt to remain neutral in the race for the White House during a 40-minute interview in which he both praised and critiqued the top Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Just as the historic blizzard began to set in over the nation’s capital, […]readmore
Republican Donald Trump is surging in Iowa with a week to go before the first votes are cast in the 2016 U.S. presidential election process. A Fox News poll shows Trump moving into a big lead over Texas Senator Ted Cruz by a margin of 34 to 23 percent, with Florida Senator Marco Rubio in […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – A total of 19 candidates have filed the required statement of intent form with the Department of State as a first step towards appearing on the ballot in the Presidential Preference Primary scheduled for April 26th. The deadline for filing a statement of intent was today at noon. Those candidates are: Hillary […]readmore
Jim Malone WASHINGTON—The presidential contenders from both major U.S. political parties are making a last-minute push for votes in Iowa in advance of the February 1 party caucuses. And it’s clear the main battle lines are now drawn in both party races — national frontrunner Donald Trump versus Texas Senator Ted Cruz on the Republican […]readmore
Rhode Island – La Gobernadora Gina Raimondo junto al director de RIEMA Peter Gaynor se reunieron la Mañana del viernes con el personal de Emergencias para infórmale de los preparativos para este fin de semana. Según las últimas previsiones podríamos recibir hasta 8 pulgadas de nieve. My number one priority as Governor is keeping all […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo released the following statement on the announcement of the state’s seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate. «Rhode Island’s economy is on better footing than it was a year ago. In the past year, Rhode Islanders have driven down the unemployment rate 1.7 percentage points — from 6.8% to 5.1% — and […]readmore
LPR News – Lo fuerte de la tormenta llegaría el sábado y domingo, como mediad de precaución debemos mantenernos en casa. Los espaciadores de sal comenzaran a trabajar la tarde del viernes. Estamos esperando una tormenta bastante grande este fin de semana. El sábado comenzara a nevar temprano y continuara hasta el domingo. La gobernadora […]readmore