VOA News The U.S. State Department said Friday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured home server contained several email chains with top-secret information and that those emails would be withheld from public release. Spokesman John Kirby said the material includes seven email chains totaling 37 pages. He said those and other emails from […]readmore
Steve Baragona WASHINGTON—As the U.S. presidential election cycle goes into high gear, and polls become a constant staple of media coverage, experts say it has become harder to gauge who will win the race. They point to past pre-election surveys that did not accurately predict the outcome. They note that Mitt Romney beat Barack Obama […]readmore
Reuters WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders had a rare Oval Office meeting on Wednesday with President Barack Obama, days after Obama praised Hillary Clinton, Sanders’ rival and front-runner in the race to be the Democratic presidential candidate in the Nov. 8 election.Emerging from the White House after an hour, Sanders said the meeting was «constructive» and […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier Donald Trump, the leading Republican contender in the 2016 U.S. presidential race, says he is boycotting the last candidates’ debate before next week’s first election contest in the farm state of Iowa. Trump, the billionaire real estate developer who has surged to the top in surveys of Republican voters, said he will skip […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier Former U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are locked in a tight Democratic presidential nominating contest in Iowa, the latest survey in the farm state showed Wednesday. Quinnipiac University said Sanders, who calls himself an independent socialist Democrat, is winning the support of 49 percent of Democrats likely […]readmore
WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI), who has advocated for the re-enactment of Rhode Island’s Good Samaritan Law, issued the following statement: “Addiction to heroin and other opiates represents the largest public health crisis we’ve seen in decades. Overdose deaths have more than doubled since 1999, devastating families of all different backgrounds in […]readmore
PAWTUCKET, RI – After years of hard work to establish a new national historical park in the Blackstone River Valley, U.S. Senator Jack Reed’s (D-RI) Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park Establishment Act was signed into law last month. Senator Reed says the bill signing was a significant milestone, but more work remains. Today, Senator […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Following the swift passage of identical bills in the House and Senate tuesday, Governor Gina M. Raimondo signed the Good Samaritan Act of 2016 into law. The law reinstates and expands important legal protections for those who seek medical assistance for individuals experiencing a drug overdose. Bill sponsors Representative Robert E. Craven, […]readmore
El magnate inmobiliario Donald Trump no participará este jueves en el último debate entre aspirantes republicanos a la Casa Blanca organizado por Fox News antes de los caucus de Iowa, en reprimenda por el trato «injusto» y «sesgado» que considera que le da una de las presentadoras del canal.Trump dijo hoy en una rueda de […]readmore
Elizabeth Lee LOS ANGELES—For Hugh Tra, an immigrant from Vietnam who says he has been politically active since high school, U.S. foreign policy is personal. “I care a lot about foreign affairs, about what the U.S. government decides to do,» said Tra, whose parents fled the Vietnam War. «I really do want our government to […]readmore