Chris Hannas A new poll released Wednesday says businessman Donald Trump has expanded his lead nationally over other competitors for the Republican nomination for president. The Quinnipiac University poll showed Trump with 39 percent support, followed by 19 percent for Florida Senator Marco Rubio and 18 percent for Texas Senator Ted Cruz. The last Quinnipiac […]readmore
Rhode Island – La información fue dada a conocer durante una entrevista con Meredith Curren en LPR, ella dijo es importante que miembros de nuestra comunidad participen para tener más diversidad en la administración de la gobernadora Raimondo. Cualquier ciudadano que hable ingles puede aplicar. El teléfono para obtener más información es el 401-222-2080. La […]readmore
VOA News With five days to go before Nevada’s Democratic caucus, party front-runner candidate Hillary Clinton is emphasizing that she is more than a «single issue» candidate as she tries to fend off opponent Bernie Sanders, with whom she is running virtually neck and neck. In a national poll by Quinnipiac University, the former secretary […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON—Former U.S. President George W. Bush has emerged from a self-imposed hiatus from the American political scene to try to boost his younger brother Jeb’s bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.George Bush attested to his brother’s character and called for voters to reject the rhetoric of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump during […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – In accordance with a Presidential Proclamation, Governor Gina M. Raimondo has ordered the U.S. and Rhode Island flags to be flown at half-staff at all state facilities and buildings in memory of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away this weekend. The flags will remain at half-staff until sunset on the […]readmore
Texas – El magistrado fue hallado muerto la mañana del sábado en un rancho de Texas Scalia de ascendencia italiana, católico, conservador, casado desde hace 54 años, padre de nueve hijos y abuelo de 35 nietos Scalia construyo una importante reputación en el sector judicial desde que fuera nombrado por Ronald Reagan en 1986. La […]readmore
CAPITOL HILL—After Bernie Sanders won big in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, both he and rival Hillary Clinton are shifting their focus to the next contests in Nevada and South Carolina, states with many more Hispanic and African American voters. In South Carolina, black voters make up the majority of the Democratic primary electorate. Some […]readmore
Ken Schwartz The two Democratic U.S. presidential candidates, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders — the self-described democratic socialist — held another debate Thursday night in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as their race for the White House enters a new phase. Clinton had picked up a major endorsement earlier Thursday from the political fundraising […]readmore
Providence – La gobernadora de Rhode Island Gina Raimondo firmo un proyecto de ley que permite el cobro de peajes a los Camiones que circulan por el estado.readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – General Treasurer Seth Magaziner today lauded the strong demand for the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank’s first round of Efficient Building Fund financing. Twenty seven applications from across Rhode Island were submitted for an initial $25 million in EBF financing for energy efficiency projects at schools and other public buildings. «We designed the […]readmore