CRANSTON, RI – On Friday, February 26, 2016 at 3:00 p.m., U.S. Senator Jack Reed will host a special medal ceremony in honor of Vietnam veteran Robert Walter Edmands, 69, of Chepachet. Reed will present the U.S. Army veteran with the prestigious Purple Heart medal and other military honors he earned but never received following […]readmore
Washington, DC – With an estimated 23 million homes nationwide containing lead-paint-related hazards and millions more with dangerous lead pipes, U.S. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), and Bob Casey (D-PA) introduced legislation today to help Americans cover the cost of removing lead from their homes. Lead is a powerful neurotoxin that can […]readmore
Brian Allen COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA—Because this state’s presidential primaries are the first in the southeastern United States, experts say they are among the most important early battlegrounds in the nominee selection process.For weeks, Republican and Democratic candidates have crisscrossed the state. From major rallies packing thousands of supporters into convention centers and town halls to […]readmore
El magnate republicano Donald Trump, no deja de sorprender con los apoyos que es capaz de conseguir en este inusual proceso primario. A pesar de haber ofendido a los mexicanos a los que ha llamado violadores, no obstante prometer un muro en la frontera y hacer que México pague por ello, haber demandado a la […]readmore
Voz de America Los aspirantes a la nominación presidencial por el Partido Demócrata Hillary Clinton y Bernie Sanders expresaron apoyo al plan del presidente Barack Obama de cerrar la prisión militar estadounidense en la Bahía de Guantánamo, Cuba. En una reunión de cabildo abierta transmitida por CNN el martes por la noche desde Carolina del […]readmore
Voz de América De ganar este martes en Nevada y la otra semana en el llamado Súper Martes, el magnate inmobiliario Donald Trump estará en una cómoda posición en el camino a la nominación republicana a la presidencia. Lejos de celebrarlo, la idea aterroriza a los grandes poderes de Partido Republicano, que todavía no han […]readmore
Voz de América El multimillonario empresario Donald Trump ganó otro estado en su campaña por la nominación presidencial por el Partido Republicano con una decisiva victoria el martes en el occidental estado de Nevada. Trump logró el 45,9% de los votos en las asambleas partidarias, comparado con el 23,8% de Marco Rubio y 21,4% de […]readmore
VOA News A U.S. federal judge ruled Tuesday that aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton can be questioned under oath in connection with a lawsuit over the release of emails from a private server she used while in office. A conservative group called Judicial Watch said in court filings it wants to question […]readmore
VOA News Billionaire Donald Trump won another state in his bid to become the Republican nominee for president with a decisive victory Tuesday in the western U.S. state of Nevada. Final results showed Trump with 46 percent of the vote, far ahead of Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s 24 percent. Texas Senator Ted Cruz finished in […]readmore
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today released the following statement after the Obama Administration submitted to Congress a proposal to close the Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) detention facility: “Responsibly closing the detention facility at GITMO and transferring detainees won’t be easy, but it is […]readmore