Smita Nordwall Super Tuesday, the one-day megaprize in the race for the U.S. presidential nomination, is over. The front-runners – billionaire Donald Trump and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton – cemented their leads in the Republican and Democrat races respectively. But, they are far from securing their parties’ nominations. With several major primaries and […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire and former three-term mayor of New York City, has announced he will not mount a third-party White House bid that could have further upset this year’s already extraordinarily unpredictable presidential campaign. Bloomberg, who has spent months considering an independent campaign, made his decision official in an editorial posted by […]readmore
Jim Malone WASHINGTON—The Republican presidential race has entered a crucial phase as frontrunner Donald Trump edges closer to securing the party’s nomination. Time is running out for Trump’s rivals to slow down his momentum in a year when Republican voters seem to prefer a political outsider to any number of more established candidates. Tuesday’s contests […]readmore
What government leaders are saying about Raimondo’s CS4RI Initiative Governor Gina M. Raimondo- joined by federal, state, and local officials, as well as representatives from business and education- today launched the state’s first comprehensive computer science education initiative. The Computer Science for RI (CS4RI) effort, in partnership with Microsoft,, colleges and universities across Rhode […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – In accordance with a Presidential Proclamation Governor Gina M. Raimondo has ordered the U.S. and Rhode Island flags to be flown at half-staff at all state facilities and buildings in memory of former First Lady Nancy Reagan, who passed away this weekend. «On behalf of all Rhode Islanders, I send my deepest […]readmore
Nancy Davis Reagan was born on July 6, 1921, in New York City. Raised in Chicago, she graduated from Girls’ Latin School and went on to Smith College, Northampton, Mass., where she graduated in 1943. In her early career, Nancy Davis worked as an actress in stage, film and television productions. In 1949, she signed […]readmore
Nancy Reagan, la viuda del expresidente Ronald Reagan, murió este domingo a la edad de 94 años, según informó la Biblioteca Reagan. Según se informó la causa de su muerte acaecida en Los Angeles, fue un paro cardíaco. Nancy Davis Reagan, originalmente bautizada como Anne Frances Robbins, será recordada como la «compañera indispensable» del presidente […]readmore
Former first lady Nancy Reagan, the steadfast partner of the 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan, has died of heart failure at the age of 94. Entertainment news site TMZ first reported her death in Bel-Air, California, on Sunday. The actors-turned-first couple were married for more than a half-century, occupying the White House from 1981 to […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea today announced that 166 Rhode Islanders gathered the required signatures to qualify to run as presidential delegates in the state’s April 26 Presidential Preference Primary (PPP). This number is higher than the 119 delegates who qualified in 2012, but lower than the 184 in 2008. These […]readmore
Cindy Saine CAPITOL HILL—Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney eviscerated current Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in a remarkable speech, casting him as unfit to be the president of the United States. Romney appealed to Republican voters to consider the consequences of a vote for Trump in caucuses and primaries across the country saying: «If we Republicans […]readmore