Cindy Saine Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday won the Nevada Democratic caucuses, defeating Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders 52.7 percent to 47.3 percent in the race for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination. Analysts said Clinton’s win showed that her national network of support remained formidable, and that Sanders must do more to […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump has emerged as the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination in the U.S. presidential race, but two U.S. senators, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, are both claiming they can overtake him when a large group of states votes over the next three weeks. Trump, a political novice, […]readmore
Trump consolida su posición de líder en las primarias republicanas con una nueva y holgada victoria en Carolina del Sur. Clinton obtiene por su lado una victoria modesta en Nevada pero que resucita sus posibilidades de ganar la investidura demócrata, luego de su aplastante derrota en New Hampshire. De todos los candidatos a la investidura […]readmore
La ex secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton, obtuvo una crucial victoria en las primarias demócratas de Nevada, superando por estrecho margen al senador por Vermont, Bernie Sanders. Con el 73% de los votos contabilizados, Clinton sacaba una ventaja de menos de cinco puntos sobre Sanders –52,3% a 47,7%– pero muchos medios y agencias la proyectaban […]readmore
El magnate inmobiliario ,Donald Trump, ganó las elecciones primarias republicanas en Carolina del Sur de este sábado, mientras el exgobernador por la Florida y otrora gran favorito, Jeb Bush, anunciaba que suspende su candidatura. Contado el 71% de los votos, Trump obtenía un 33% de las preferencias, seguido por los senadores Marco Rubio, con 22,3% […]readmore
CRANSTON, RI – In an effort to keep families in their homes and minimize foreclosures, U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced an additional $9.68 million in foreclosure prevention funding will be coming to Rhode Island from the Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) program at the U.S. Treasury Department. Reed wrote to U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew […]readmore
Photo courtesy of Congressman’s office- Lan Brigadier General Christopher Callahan, adjutant general of Rhode Island and Commanding General of the Rhode Island National Guard, joins Congressman Jim Langevin and Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee on a visit to the Providence VA Medical Center. VA personnel connected the visitors with veterans as part of the Valentines for […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea today announced the 16 presidential candidates who have qualified for the April 26th Rhode Island Presidential Preference Primary. Those candidates are: Hillary Clinton (D), Roque «Rocky» De La Fuente (D), Bernie Sanders (D), Mark Stewart (D), Jeb Bush (R), Ben Carson (R), Chris Christie (R), Ted […]readmore
As the race for the Democratic presidential nomination heats up between Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the close contest is drawing attention to the nomination process and the people called «superdelegates» who could have enormous influence over its outcome. The two major American political parties begin the process of selecting […]readmore
Chris Hannas A new poll released Wednesday says businessman Donald Trump has expanded his lead nationally over other competitors for the Republican nomination for president. The Quinnipiac University poll showed Trump with 39 percent support, followed by 19 percent for Florida Senator Marco Rubio and 18 percent for Texas Senator Ted Cruz. The last Quinnipiac […]readmore