PROVIDENCE, RI – Before Rhode Islanders go to the polls on April 26 for the Presidential Preference Primary, Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea will be providing voters who do not currently have a valid photo ID several opportunities to obtain a FREE Voter ID Card from the Department of State. Per Rhode Island state […]readmore
VOA News U.S. presidential candidates are looking ahead to Tuesday when five delegate-rich states hold their primary elections, with the rest of the field blaming Republican front-runner Donald Trump for the violence that has erupted at his rallies. The primaries in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina are particularly important for Trump’s opponents who […]readmore
VOA News It isn’t quite «Super Tuesday,» but voters in five states are taking part in key primaries to decide which Democrat and Republican will compete in the November presidential election. Why is it important? After Tuesday, more than half of the 50 U.S. states will have held their nominating contests, so trailing candidates are […]readmore
Hablemos de Política with Dr. Pablo Rodríguez and Dr. Álvaro Olivares Special Guests Wendy J. Schiller Wendy Schiller is Professor of Political Science, Professor of International and Public Affairs, and Chair of Political Science at Brown University. Tony Affigne Professor in the Political Science department at Providence College.readmore
BOSTON – March 11, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $1 million in grant funding to support the expansion of low-cost renewable power in the City of Holyoke. The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) has made $2 million available for grants to municipalities with active or decommissioned coal generation facilities to develop and implement […]readmore
Washington, D.C. – In advance of oral arguments scheduled before the Supreme Court on April 18, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressmen Jim Langevin and David Cicilline have joined more than 200 members of Congress in filing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of the Obama administration’s executive actions […]readmore
Hillary Clinton prometió una propuesta de reforma “en los primeros 100 días de gobierno”. Sanders, dijo apoyar “un camino hacia la ciudadanía”. Los candidatos demócratas Hillary Clinton y Bernie Sanders se enfrascaron el miércoles por la noche en un intenso debate, particularmente sobre inmigración y sobre quién de ellos es el mejor amigo de los […]readmore
Reuters WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidates may find themselves in a more subdued debate than usual on Thursday night in Miami, since nothing Donald Trump’s rivals have thrown at him has made a major dent in his front-running campaign.After the histrionics of last week’s gathering in Detroit, the four remaining candidates are likely to search for higher […]readmore
Ken Schwartz Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders challenged each other’s records, particularly on immigration, in a sometimes contentious debate Wednesday night in the southeastern state of Florida. They compete in a primary there and in four other delegate-rich states next Tuesday with Vermont Senator Sanders trying to build off a surprise win […]readmore
Katherine Gypso A surprising win by Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders in Michigan and a resurgence by Donald Trump in three of four Republican primaries marked the halfway point of the U.S. presidential campaign before key winner-take-all votes in five states next Tuesday. On the Republican side, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio head into a […]readmore