U.S. Senator Jack Reed, Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, will spend much of this week at a number of important domestic military installations. Stops will include Creech Air Force Base and the National Training Center. Creech Air Force Base is home to many of our military’s most critical intelligence, surveillance, and […]readmore
Cranston, RI - After four years of investigation by the State Police and the R.I. Attorney General into 38 Studios, no criminal charges will be filed and none of the information collected from this investigation will be released to the public. In response, Steven Frias, Republican candidate for Rep. District 15, commented: "Since becoming Speaker […]readmore
ROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea today announced the official launch of her new Online Voter Registration (OVR) portal at vote.ri.gov and in Spanish at vota.ri.gov. With the August 14 voter registration deadline for the September State Primary just two weeks away, eligible Rhode Island voters can now securely register to vote […]readmore
Chris Hannas Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence says he and presidential candidate Donald Trump believe a Muslim American soldier killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004 is a hero and families like his «should be cherished by every American.» The statement late Sunday followed intense criticism of Trump’s reaction to an appearance […]readmore
VOA News U.S. political surveys are showing that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has regained her edge over Republican contender Donald Trump in the aftermath of last week’s Democratic convention where she and a raft of other speakers attacked his credentials to be the American leader. Trump, a real estate tycoon seeking elected office for […]readmore
El número de personas que vieron el discurso de Clinton en Fox News Channel fue de menos de una tercera parte de las que vieron el de Trump, señaló la compañía Nielsen. La compañía Nielsen informó que 29,8 millones de personas vieron el discurso de aceptación de Hillary Clinton, cifra inferior a la de 32,2 […]readmore
VOA News A Muslim immigrant gave what some consider the most emotional presentation at the Democratic convention Thursday night in Philadelphia where Hillary Clinton became the first woman to accept a major party’s nomination to run for president. Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen U.S. soldier, slammed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, asking «Have […]readmore
Chris Hannas WASHINGTON—As if the process to nominate Democratic and Republican candidates were not dramatic enough, the race to be the next president of the United States intensifies now that the parties have chosen Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.Both Clinton and Trump spent about a year focusing largely on voters who feel strongly enough about […]readmore
Aru Pande VOA News WASHINGTON—She has made history. She has the domestic and foreign experience. And she has the endorsement of her primary opponent.Now, can Hillary Clinton overcome her historically high negative ratings for a Democratic presidential candidate? Just 38 percent of voters viewed Clinton favorably in a Gallup poll conducted the week before the […]readmore
El candidato a vicepresidente por el Partido Demócrata, Tim Kaine, realizó un extraordinario papel durante la Convención Nacional Demócrata, a pesar de que le tocó aceptar la nominación en un discurso que siguió al del vicepresidente Joe Biden y que precedió al del presidente Barack Obama. El senador por Virginia demostró que lo que aprendió […]readmore