Greg Flakus VOA News HOUSTON—The Green Party is appealing to disgruntled supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and millions of young voters saddled with student loan debt in an attempt to challenge the two-party dominance of U.S. politics. Political experts and pundits see little hope the small party can achieve that goal, but these same […]readmore
VOA News – Salem Solomon, Falastine Iman U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump has stirred up controversy this year with comments about Muslims and Mexicans. On Thursday, it was the Somali community’s turn to be in Trump’s line of fire. Speaking at a campaign rally in Portland, Maine, the Republican Party nominee said the United States needed […]readmore
Esha Sarai VOA News Surveys of American voters released this week show Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump trailing his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, by a fairly wide margin following last month’s Democratic National Convention. The most recent survey, a McClatchy-Marist poll, shows Clinton leading Trump by a margin of 48 percent to 33 percent. The […]readmore
VOA News Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has admitted that he was wrong in claiming to have seen video of a U.S. cash payment being delivered to Iran on the same day that Iran released four Americans it had detained. Trump, who extensively uses social media, has been expressing outrage about the money, which some […]readmore
Steve Baragona Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said he fears the U.S. election, now just three months away, will be «rigged» against him. Margaret Jurgensen’s job is to keep that from happening in Montgomery County, Maryland, a populous area adjacent to Washington. Jurgensen heads the county’s board of elections. «The person who says that […]readmore
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse joined other Senate Democrats in writing to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, urging them to immediately call Congress back into session to pass emergency funding legislation to address the growing Zika crisis. In the letter, the Senators note that […]readmore
TATE HOUSE – Rep. Robert E. Craven Sr., a former assistant attorney general, is calling on Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin to file a declaratory judgment action in Providence Superior Court seeking the court’s instruction on the release of the grand jury documents and testimony in the 38 Studios investigation. «Although the Attorney General has […]readmore
Actor estadounidense realiza polémicas declaraciones durante entrevista con la revista Esquire. El actor Clint Eastwood decide hablar de política y realiza polémicos comentarios sobre la “nueva generación” a la cual llamó “cobarde». En el marco de una entrevista sobre su película “Sully”, el actor republicano no dudó en expresar sus preferencias políticas que se inclinan […]readmore
Según la encuesta de Fox News, Clinton saca una ventaja de 10 puntos sobre su rival republicano, 49% a 39%. Una nueva encuesta, divulgada el miércoles por la noche, confirma la ventaja de Hillary Clinton sobre Donald Trump a nivel nacional y en algunos estados clave. Según la encuesta de Fox News, Clinton saca una […]readmore
VOA News Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON—U.S. presidential elections are only nominally national contests and are not decided by the popular vote. The outcome is decided in the 50 individual states as the candidates look to win the Electoral College, with each state’s impact on the outcome dependent on its population and representation in Congress. Both Democrat […]readmore