VOA News/Kathleen Struck It’s disinterest. It’s selfishness. It’s preoccupation with avocado toast. For Americans under 30 — who only recently became the largest voting bloc in the U.S. and are oft-maligned for lack of civic participation — the largest barrier to voting might be 0.6 square inches of aging technology. “The ‘finding-a-stamp thing’ is sometimes […]readmore
City’s Significant Financial Improvements and Budget Adherence Cited WOONSOCKET, R.I.: Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt announced that Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded the City of Woonsocket’s General Obligation Bonds three levels to investment grade“Baa3” from Ba3, and has rated the City as having a “Stable” outlook. The City’s bond rating from Moody’s is seven steps higher than it was in […]readmore
Governor handedly wins final debate for election Opponents Fung and Trillo offer no vision for state and squabble PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Gina Raimondo won tonight’s debate and made a clear closing argument that she is the only candidate capable of continuing the change and progress that Rhode Islanders need. Under her leadership, Rhode Island […]readmore
CGRS Condemns President Trump’s Speech Against Asylum Seeker Families San Francisco, CA (November 1, 2018) – The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) condemns President Trump’s shameful fearmongering against asylum seekers. In a plan announced today, Trump proposes shutting down asylum to individuals who arrive between ports of entry and massively increasing detention of […]readmore
Providence, RI (November 1, 2018) – At tonight’s City Council meeting four Tax Stabilization Agreements (TSAs) were passed for the first time. Each will need to be passed one more time by the Council to formally be approved. “We are creating jobs and growing businesses here in Providence,” stated City Council Majority Leader and Chairman of […]readmore
On November 6, we have an opportunity to make a strategic investment in higher education in our state and in our local economy by voting to approve ballot Question 2. Approval of ballot Question 2 would authorize $70 million to build new facilities and renovate existing facilities at the University of Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay […]readmore
WARWICK, RI — Rhode Island Democratic Party Chair Joseph M. McNamara issued the following statement in response to the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. “We are heartbroken for Pittsburgh and the congregation at the Tree of Life synagogue today,” said Rhode Island Democratic Party Chair Joseph M. McNamara. «Our places of worship should be safe and welcoming, […]readmore
“Gov. Raimondo is by far the best candidate for governor of Rhode Island” PROVIDENCE, RI – The Providence Journal “enthusiastically” endorsed Governor Gina Raimondo today for reelection, citing her focused and successful efforts to strengthen Rhode Island’s economy and fix the state’s roads and bridges. “Gov. Gina Raimondo is by far the best candidate […]readmore
VOA News/Jim Malone WASHINGTON — Less than four weeks before U.S. congressional midterm elections, the bitter confirmation battle over Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has galvanized activists in both major political parties. But its ultimate impact remains uncertain. Republicans say the fight over Kavanaugh has given them a boost, especially in key Senate races in states […]readmore
(Warwick, RI) – Independent candidate for Rhode Island governor Joe Trillo, received support from 17 percent of sampled Rhode Island voters in the latest statewide poll conducted by Harvard University’s John Della Volpe. The poll was released today on GoLocalProv. “This poll is more in line with the internal polling of my campaign, which has […]readmore