PROVIDENCE, March 13, 2019 — Responding to today’s Senate Labor Committee hearing on a proposal to increase the state minimum wage, NFIB, which advocates on behalf of many Rhode Island small businesses, submitted testimony in opposition to that legislation. The following statements are attributable to NFIB Rhode Island State Director, Christopher Carlozzi: “The last minimum wage increase just […]readmore
DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after House Democrats passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act: “No president in modern history has done more to undermine the rule of law and destroy public trust in our institutions than Donald Trump. No political party has done more to disenfranchise voters and reward wealthy […]readmore
For the People Act expands access to the polls, strengthens election cybersecurity, and requires increased transparency and accountability from public officials WASHINGTON – Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) issued the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 1, the For The People Act, an historic government reform package to strengthen American democracy. It passed the U.S. House of […]readmore
Ambitious “For The People Act” includes Cicilline’s DISCLOSE Act, Automatic Voter Registration Act WASHINGTON – Making good on their promise to clean up corruption in Washington and make the federal government work for working people, House Democrats today passed the For The People Act (H.R.1), a large-scale effort to fix the broken American political system by making […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Rep. Anastasia P. Williams’ (D-Dist. 9, Providence) legislation (2019-H 5125A) that codifies in state law the privacy rights and reproductive freedoms guaranteed by the United States Supreme Court in the case Roe v. Wade and its constitutional progeny was passed by the House of Representatives tonight. The vote for passage was 44-30 […]readmore
In Light Of Reports That The White House Intends To Create A Fake-Science Working Group To Challenge The Scientific Consensus On Climate Change— Senators Schumer, Carper, And Reed Introduce Legislation To Block Any Federal Funding To Support Such A Working Group The White House’s Fake Climate Panel Would Be Comprised Of Cherry Picked Trump Administration Employees Who […]readmore
WASHINGTON – Following reports that President Donald Trump directed then-National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn to use the Justice Department to block AT&T’s proposed acquisition of Time Warner, a move that could benefit Fox News and hurt CNN, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David N. Cicilline (D-RI) are requesting the White House […]readmore
Congress officially sends President public lands package that reauthorizes LWCF & designates RI rivers as «wild and scenic» WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate put the final stamp on a bipartisan public lands package to protect more than 1.3 million acres, 2,600 miles of new national trails, and 367 miles of new scenic rivers, including […]readmore
Save the Internet Act would promote competition and innovation, and keep the Internet free and fair for all WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to restore net neutrality rules that were repealed in 2017 by the Trump Administration, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today joined Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) in introducing the Save the Internet […]readmore
Air Carrier Access Amendments Act will build upon progress made in 2018 FAA Reauthorization WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Jim Langevin (D-RI) and U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) today introduced the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act of 2019 to protect the rights of disabled airplane passengers, improve air travel safety, and close service gaps that passengers […]readmore