VOA News-Ken Bredemeier Venezuela’s socialist government said Tuesday that an «attempted coup» was underway in Caracas, with opposition leader and U.S. recognized interim president Juan Guaido saying there was «no turning back» in his efforts to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of the capital, with gunfire erupting and troops […]readmore
Voz de América El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, aceptó la invitación de la Reina Isabel II para realizar una visita de Estado a Reino Unido en junio, informó el Palacio de Buckingham el martes. La visita de Trump y su esposa Melania tendrá lugar entre el 3 y el 5 de junio, afirmó […]readmore
FOTO: La senadora por California Kamala Harris, aspirante a la nominación presidencial demócrata para el 2020, apoya iniciar un juicio político al presidente Donald Trump. Voz de América La senadora por California Kamala Harris se unió a la petición de un juicio político al presidente Donald Trump cuando cinco de los principales candidatos demócratas a […]readmore
WARWICK, RI – Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) issued the following statement regarding the Department of Justice’s release of a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report: “I am continuing to read the redacted version of Special Counsel Mueller’s report. However, as previously reported, it is clear that the Special Counsel did not make a determination […]readmore
Antes de su segunda visita al estado desde el lanzamiento de su campaña presidencial, Sanders anuncia una lista de funcionarios electos, líderes laborales y líderes religiosos que respaldan la campaña. SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Mientras el senador Bernie Sanders visita a Carolina del Sur esta semana, la campaña presidencial de Bernie 2020 anunció una lista de […]readmore
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the “Mueller Report” released today by the Justice Department: President Trump has been vindicated. The Mueller investigation failed to find any evidence to support the big lie that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government and failed miserably to prove […]readmore
WASHINGTON, DC — Today, after Attorney General William Barr issued a significantly redacted version of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s report, which, while incomplete, is still disturbing, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) urged the Department of Justice to make the full report available to Congress and the American people without further delay. Senator Reed, the Ranking […]readmore
A photo illustration dated April 18, 2019 in Washington, D.C. shows an editor looking at a photograph of U.S. Attorney General William Barr (L) speaking about the release of the redacted version of the Mueller report, juxtaposed with U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed. VOA News – Michael Bowman WASHINGTON — Democratic and Republican lawmakers […]readmore
VOA News – Steve Herman Although the special counsel’s 448-page report into Russian interference in the 2016 election campaign does not fully exonerate President Donald Trump he is certainly taking it that way. «I’m having a good day, too,» Trump declared in the White House East Room as the report was released. «It’s called no collusion, no […]readmore
Photo: Ivanka Trump’s final stop in Africa was in Abidjan, where she spoke at a summit of female entrepreneurs. (E. Sarai/VOA) VOA News – Esha Sarai ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST —Ivanka Trump, U.S. President Donald’s Trump’s daughter and senior White House adviser, spoke Wednesday to a summit of women entrepreneurs in the Ivory Coast. “Societies that […]readmore