Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that customer-facing services at the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Labor and Training (DLT), and HealthSource RI will be moving to online and telephone-only services until further notice. This includes all new applications, renewals, or changes in […]readmore
Restaurantes, bares, museos, centros comerciales, colegios son algunos de los establecimientos que cerraron para evitar la propagación del coronavirus. Las autoridades han tomado medidas de aislamiento para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad en sus ciudadanos. La Gobernadora Gina M. Raimondo y la Directora de Salud Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH anunciaron hoy que, a partir […]readmore
One additional case of COVID-19 in Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that, effective tomorrow and continuing through March 30th, there will be no on-premise food consumption for restaurants, bars, coffee shops, or other food establishments in Rhode Island. Establishments with a food license can […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press WASHINGTON – As the two remaining Democratic presidential candidates return to the debate stage, their party, the stakes, and the world look much different than in their last meeting less than three weeks ago. The fast-moving coronavirus was something of an afterthought in that debate; now the escalating crisis is likely […]readmore
By VOA News The last two major U.S. Democratic presidential candidates – former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders – are debating Sunday night in a world turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic, seated in a Washington television studio without any people attending it. The two long-time politicians will be trading […]readmore
El período de inscripción permanecerá abierto hasta el 15 de abril. La gobernadora continuó recordando al público que practicara el distanciamiento social, lo que significa evitar grandes reuniones. «Las próximas dos semanas son absolutamente críticas ya que tratamos de adelantarnos a este virus». Nuevos pedidos que involucran aseguradoras de salud públicas y privadas. Raimondo y […]readmore
WHITE HOUSE – U.S. President Donald Trump said he is declaring a national emergency, invoking the Stafford Act to allow more federal aid to stream to states and cities to combat the coronavirus pandemic. «We will overcome the threat of the virus,” the president said Friday afternoon at a nationally-televised news conference from the White House […]readmore
Measures pertain to schools, nursing homes, and international travelers As Rhode Island continues to respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Governor Gina M. Raimondo announced a set of broad measures today intended to limit or prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Rhode Island. These measures pertain to schools, nursing homes, and anyone who has traveled […]readmore
Attorney General Peter Neronha reminds Rhode Island residents to watch out for potential scams or instances of price gouging stemming from the outbreak of COVID-19. “These are unique and uncertain circumstances,” said Attorney General Peter F. Neronha. “The focus here has to be on public health, not profit. This Office is going to make sure […]readmore