VOA News By Dora Mekouar Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare via EmailPrint this page Several U.S. states are closing dine-in restaurants and bars, limiting the establishments to carry-out or delivery service, in an effort to stem the spread of coronavirus. The governors of California, Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington State are among those who have […]readmore
La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos pospondrá su próxima ronda de argumentos orales programados para comenzar a finales de este mes, incluida una disputa de alto perfil sobre los registros fiscales y financieros del presidente Donald Trump, en un intento por combatir la propagación del coronavirus, dijo una portavoz el lunes. La decisión de retrasar […]readmore
«Eviten reunirse en grupos de más de diez personas», pidió a los estadounidenses el presidente Donald Trump durante una rueda de prensa celebrada en la Casa Blanca el lunes. Aunque no anunció medidas concretas, el mandatario recomendó evitar «beber y comer en bares, restaurantes y lugares públicos». Trump aconsejó detener los viajes discrecionales y no […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that customer-facing services at the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Labor and Training (DLT), and HealthSource RI will be moving to online and telephone-only services until further notice. This includes all new applications, renewals, or changes in […]readmore
Restaurantes, bares, museos, centros comerciales, colegios son algunos de los establecimientos que cerraron para evitar la propagación del coronavirus. Las autoridades han tomado medidas de aislamiento para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad en sus ciudadanos. La Gobernadora Gina M. Raimondo y la Directora de Salud Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH anunciaron hoy que, a partir […]readmore
One additional case of COVID-19 in Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that, effective tomorrow and continuing through March 30th, there will be no on-premise food consumption for restaurants, bars, coffee shops, or other food establishments in Rhode Island. Establishments with a food license can […]readmore
Airline bookings were already in free fall when Donald Trump announced a travel ban on arrivals from Europe due to the coronavirus pandemic. Several carriers are now demanding state aid and preparing mass layoffs. The true scale of the crisis facing global airlines due to the spread of the new coronavirus can be seen by […]readmore
VOA News By Reuters BERLIN – Berlin is trying to stop Washington from persuading a German company seeking a coronavirus vaccine to move its research to the United States, prompting German politicians to insist no country should have a monopoly on any future vaccine. German government sources told Reuters on Sunday that the U.S. administration was […]readmore
VOA News by Reuters Con la compra de pánico en las ciudades y las ventas masivas impulsadas por el miedo en Wall Street, la Reserva Federal de EE.UU. redujo las tasas de interés a casi cero el domingo en otro movimiento de emergencia para ayudar a apuntalar la economía nacional en medio de la pandemia […]readmore
GoLocalProv News Team On Sunday Governor Charlie Baker announced a three-week suspension of school operations at all public and private elementary and secondary (K-12) schools in the Commonwealth beginning Tuesday, March 17, and a series of new guidance and legislation in response to COVID-19. “Our administration is taking these rapid steps to protect the health […]readmore