VOA News By Associated Press NEW YORK – Before President Donald Trump stepped into the White House briefing room to provide an update on the coronavirus, an opening act was broadcast across cable news of another chief executive calmly reciting statistics and safety tips. For the second straight day, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s matter-of-fact and […]readmore
Audio en Español Raimondo le recordó nuevamente a las personas que se queden en casa y que continúen practicando medidas de seguridad, como que las personas de 60 años o más se queden en casa, lavarse las manos constantemente, evitar las multitudes y quedarse en casa si está enfermo. Ella dijo que una de las […]readmore
Tent set up outside Carney Hospital to test patients for the coronavirus in Dorchester, Massachusetts on march 18, 2020 By Associated Press VOA News Massachusetts State officials are promising a significant increase in Massachusetts’ capacity to test for the coronavirus. Massachusetts Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders said Thursday the state aims to administer […]readmore
VOA News By Dora Mekouar Months before coronavirus fears swept the United States, business was already slow at Mediterranean Breeze, a family-owned Greek restaurant in suburban Washington, D.C. Owner and primary chef Terry Kasotakis, along with general manager Paul Johnson, were optimistic the bottom line would improve once the weather got warmer. “We all were weathering the storm […]readmore
VOA News By Margaret Besheer NEW YORK – New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo warned Thursday that misinformation and fear related to the coronavirus are in many ways “more dangerous than the virus.” “We now have misinformation and fear and panic which is as contagious or more contagious than the virus,” the governor told reporters. “We have to deal […]readmore
VOA News By Aline Barros WASHINGTON – U.S. immigration courts are either closed or drastically curtailing operations, in the latest of a series of moves by the Trump administration affecting immigrants to the United States during the COVID-19 crisis. After repeated requests from the immigration judge’s union, the Justice Department on Wednesday ordered 10 immigration […]readmore
VOA News By Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trump contended Wednesday that he “always treated” the global coronavirus pandemic “very seriously,” but his public statements until recent days contradict his claim. Trump, on Twitter, said he has “done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ […]readmore
WASHINGTON D.C. — El Senado de Estados Unidos aprobó el miércoles una legislación que proporciona miles de millones de dólares para limitar el daño de la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus COVID-19 a través de pruebas gratuitas, licencia por enfermedad remunerada y un mayor gasto en redes de seguridad. El proyecto de ley ahora va al […]readmore
THE PENTAGON — The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) will be routed to New York City to help alleviate non-COVID-19 medical needs, President Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday. USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) will be tasked to support the West Coast, though the location is still being decided. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters on Wednesday morning that […]readmore
VOA NEWS NEW YORK – The U.S. Navy will dispatch a 1,000-bed hospital ship to New York Harbor to assist the country’s largest city with its coronavirus response. “It is an extraordinary step, obviously. It’s literally a floating hospital, and it will add capacity,” New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters Wednesday. The state […]readmore