Inocencia Reyes, also known as “Chencha,” passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family on Thursday, June 11, 2020, at home in Cranston. She was 74 years old. Born in the Dominican Republic, Reyes was the daughter of the late Gregorio Antonio Almonte Ynoa and Maria Idalia Ortiz Almonte. Chencha is best remembered by her […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Baragona Anger over the death in police custody of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has exceeded fear of COVID-19 infection, as thousands have crowded into city streets across the country to protest. But public health officials are worried that these demonstrations may have given the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 the upper hand. More than 100,000 people in […]readmore
Por Voz de América La misión «Demo 2» despegará desde Cabo Cañaveral. Se trata de un hecho doblemente histórico puesto que es la primera vez que una empresa privada lleva astronautas a la Estación Espacial Internacional y porque es el primer lanzamiento realizado en suelo estadounidense desde hace casi una década. La Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica […]readmore
VOA News By Rob Garver WASHINGTON – Fires raged in Minneapolis Thursday night and protests broke out in major cities across the United States as the videotaped death of George Floyd while in police custody became the latest example of how ubiquitous phone cameras and social media have combined to become a powerful mechanism of accountability […]readmore
By VOA News The governor of Minnesota called Saturday for the full mobilization of the National Guard to confront what he called a “tightly controlled” group of outside protestors who have engaged in looting, arson and other acts of violence in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The violence erupted in Minneapolis and its twin city of St. […]readmore
The U.S. Small Business Administration today announced the first online Veteran Entrepreneurial Training and Resource Network Streetwise MBA program to provide virtual training for veteran small business owners and their immediate families beginning in August 2020. Thanks to the funding of $100,000 from President Donald Trump’s donated salary, this will be the second cohort of the Veteran Owned […]readmore
By Voz de América El senador republicano por Florida Marco Rubio ha sido elegido como presidente interino de la influyente Comisión de Inteligencia del Senado de Estados Unidos. El legislador fue nombrado el lunes por el líder de la mayoría del Senado, Mitch McConnell, para reemplazar a Richard Burr, de Carolina del Norte, quien está siendo investigado por […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press NEW DELHI – President Donald Trump’s declaration that he was taking a malaria drug of dubious effectiveness to help fend off the coronavirus will likely be welcomed in India. Trump’s previous endorsement of hydroxychloroquine catalyzed a tremendous shift in the South Asian country, spurring the world’s largest producer of the drug […]readmore
VOA News By Matt Haines NEW ORLEANS, LA. – Maintaining a balanced diet has never been easy in Desire, a predominantly African American neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana, but it has become nearly impossible during the pandemic. “We’ve always had inequality problems to deal with, but coronavirus has made it worse,” high school junior Chrishana […]readmore