By VOA News A new poll shows that about half of U.S. Republican voters believe the claims of President Donald Trump that he “rightfully won” his re-election contest two weeks ago over his Democratic challenger, President-elect Joe Biden. Trump has made baseless, near-daily claims that the vote and vote counting was rigged against him, and he […]readmore
By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – U.S. President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday declared that the battle against COVID-19 “is like going to war. You need a commander in chief.” During a virtual roundtable discussion with front-line health care workers, whom he hailed as heroes fighting the coronavirus, Biden predicted: “I’ll make mistakes. But I promise you […]readmore
Trump estuvo cerca de reconocer ayer que perdió las elecciones del 3 de noviembre ante Joe Biden, pero finalmente se limitó a afirmar: ‘El tiempo lo dirá’. Su rival demócrata consolidó su triunfo la víspera al acumular 306 votos en el Colegio Electoral de 538 miembros que escoge al presidente de Estados Unidos. El mandatario […]readmore
El presidente volvió a asegurar que el alto número de casos en EE.UU. se debe a la cantidad de pruebas realizadas. Más de 240.000 estadounidenses han muerto por la pandemia. El presidente electo Joe Biden instó a la Administración a reconocer la gravedad de la situación. Por Rafael Salido WASHINGTON DC – Este viernes, el presidente […]readmore
California y Texas, dos de los estados más poblados del país, ya superaron la marca de un millón de infecciones de COVID-19. Por Voz de América Estados Unidos estableció el jueves otro récord de infecciones de COVID-19, con más de 150.000 nuevos casos reportados y de hospitalizaciones, con 67.000. Ambas cifras superaron los reportes del miércoles […]readmore
Top Democrat on Armed Services Committee says it is essential for President-elect Biden to start getting high-level Intelligence briefings and be granted transition resources WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after national media outlets unanimously declared Joe Biden the winner of Arizona’s 11 electoral votes, increasing his Electoral College victory total to 290, and with the U.S. Department […]readmore
By VOA News U.S. President-elect Joe Biden is the winner in the southwestern state of Arizona, according to major U.S. news outlets, adding to his electoral victory even as President Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge defeat. With more than 99 percent of the votes counted in the state, Biden leads President Donald Trump by about 11,000 votes. […]readmore
Los legisladores demócratas insistieron en la urgencia de aprobar un paquete de estímulo, ante conversaciones estancadas por diferencias con republicanos. Por Alejandra Arredondo El mismo jueves, en una rueda de prensa en el Capitolio, Schumer y Pelosi urgieron a los legisladores republicanos a apoyar sus proyectos de ley para atender la pandemia, pidiéndoles dejar sus “jueguitos” sobre […]readmore
By Ken Bredemeier U.S. unemployment benefit claims declined again last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday, but the country’s recent surge in coronavirus cases poses a new threat to the world’s biggest economy. Seasonally adjusted, a total of 709,000 jobless workers filed new applications for unemployment compensation, down 48,000 from the revised figure of the week […]readmore
By Associated Press November 12, 2020 – ST. PETERSBURG, FLA – When Joan Martin heard that Joe Biden had been declared the winner of the presidential election, the retired nurse and avowed supporter of President Donald Trump was deeply unsettled. To steel herself, she thought about how her household weathered Hurricane Katrina when it battered her […]readmore