El Salvador lamentó la decisión de Estados Unidos de comenzar a deportar, a partir de enero, a miles de niños no acompañados. Voz de América – Redacción El gobierno de El Salvador lamenta la decisión de Estados Unidos de comenzar a deportar, a partir de enero próximo, a aquellos que ingresaron de forma ilegal al […]readmore
Feliz Navidad! Felices Pascuas! Felices Fiestas! 401-942-3881 This year LPR’s year-end pledge drive starts December 14th and it will conclude December 31st with a goal of $30,000. Throughout 2015, LPR’s objective was to serve you and our community. We did that by keeping you and the community informed, empowered and connected by broadcasting the following: […]readmore
Massachusetts – Alguaciles de los Estados Unidos confiscaron mas de $1 millón en efectivo encontrado en cajas de seguridad de bancos de New Bedford y Fairhaven, a nombre de John George de 68 años, ex Representante Estatal convicto de desfalcar miles de dólares del Southeastern Regional Transit Authority. George fue sentenciado en Julio pasado a […]readmore
El juez fijó la comparecencia preliminar para el 20 de enero, en que se presentarán las evidencias que la policía de Las Vegas aún está recabando. Voz de América – Redacción Lakeisha Nicole Holloway, la mujer que arrolló a decenas de personas en Las Vegas, presentó este miércoles ante un juez donde escuchó los cargos […]readmore
VOA News December 23, 2015 A new survey has found that while a majority of Americans would ban Syrian refugees from the country, most disapprove of «banning people who are Muslim from entering the U.S.,» as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has proposed. The Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday found 51 percent of people oppose […]readmore
VOA News December 23, 2015 The United States deported fewer immigrants in 2015 than in the past 15 years, an Obama administration report revealed Tuesday. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its end of Fiscal Year 2015 statistics, which reflect the U.S. immigration enforcement efforts that prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, […]readmore
LATHAM, N.Y. – New York Army National Guard Soldiers conducted military funerals for 8,725 New York families during 2015, and expect to have provided services more than 8,900 times by New Year’s Day 2016. Thirty-five Soldiers work full-time for the Military Forces Honor Guard, while another 107 Guard Soldiers provide services on a part-time basis. […]readmore
VOA News Among those killed Monday when a Taliban suicide bomber attacked a patrol in southern Afghanistan was the first openly gay female U.S. soldier to die in combat. The Pentagon identified 36-year-old Air Force Major Adrianna Vorderbruggen as one of the six troops killed in the blast. In 2012, she married her partner Heather […]readmore
VOA News December 23, 2015 A judge in New Zealand ruled Wednesday that Kim Dotcom, the founder of the former file-sharing service Megaupload, can be extradited to the United States to face charges of copyright infringement, racketeering and money laundering. Dotcom’s lawyers said he will appeal the decision. New Zealand Justice Minister Amy Adams must […]readmore
CAPITOL HILL—The massive, year-end spending bill passed by Congress on Friday contains a boost for foreign aid, putting a strong focus on anti-terrorism efforts and addressing instability in the Middle East. It also aims to protect American diplomats and facilities abroad and to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need. Overall spending for State and […]readmore