Lou Lorscheider A grand jury in Houston, Texas, has indicted two anti-abortion activists tied to the surreptitious recording of fetal tissue procurement talks with a Planned Parenthood official. But jurors found no wrongdoing on the part of the health care provider. Activists David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit were indicted Monday on the felony charge of […]readmore
Mark Snowiss Hundreds of inmates in U.S. prisons who were sentenced as juveniles to life without parole can now challenge those punishments, the U.S. Supreme Court said Monday. In a 6-3 ruling, the court extended a 2012 decision prohibiting anyone under the age of 18 from being sentenced to life without parole by making it […]readmore
WASHINGTON—From Gerald Stoudemire’s vantage point, as a hunter, gunsmith and gun dealer in small-town Little Mountain, South Carolina, firearms are a source of recreation, security and income. Their access by law-abiding citizens requires constant vigilance. «The only good defense is a strong offense, is my opinion,» said the longtime president of the Gun Owners of […]readmore
Con pala en mano, millones de residentes del área este de Estados Unidos buscan abrirse camino en la nieve. La tormenta Jonas dejó muchas áreas intransitables y algunas carreteras con arboles caídos, interrumpiendo el paso vehicular. La alcaldesa de Washington ha pedido a los residentes que se abstengan de salir a las calles hasta que […]readmore
Un terremoto magnitud 6,8 sacudió este domingo el estado de Alaska sin que haya habido reportes inmediatos de víctimas mortales. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que informó inicialmente de una magnitud 7,1, dijo que el epicentro del sismo se situó a 260 kilómetros de Anchorage, la ciudad más grande de Alaska. Los residentes de […]readmore
Millones de personas pasarán el domingo limpiando las aceras, las cocheras y sus autos de la nieve que dejó una de las más grande tormentas invernales de la historia. Washington y algunas de las ciudades cercanas terminaron recibiendo unos 60 centímetros de nieve, y Nueva York, donde se suponía que la tormenta sería más leve, […]readmore
With Rhode Island anticipating significant snowfall this weekend, here is some information from www.ready.gov on how to prepare before, during, and after a winter storm. Before To prepare for a winter storm you should do the following: Before winter approaches, add the following supplies to your emergency kit: Rock salt or more environmentally safe products […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI — In an effort to ensure that tap water in Rhode Island remains clean and safe to drink, U.S. Senator Jack Reed today met with local, state, and federal officials at the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank to ensure water problems like those in Flint, Michigan don’t spout up in Rhode Island. “Investing in […]readmore
PENTAGON—As Defense Secretary Ash Carter calls for continued U.S. «boots on the ground» in Iraq and Syria to defeat the Islamic State (IS) group, the public is still trying to figure out the current role of U.S. troops deployed there. The United States currently has about 3,550 service members in Iraq, with about 2,750 of […]readmore
Note: Names in this article have been changed. Eight-year-old Maria wears her hair braided and has bright pink shoelaces on her sneakers. But what she did Wednesday was quite grown-up. It was 6:30 a.m. when Maria heard knocking at the door of her suburban American home as she was getting ready for school. The second-grader […]readmore