VOA News President Barack Obama has designated more than 7,300 square kilometers of southern California desert for three national monuments. White House officials say the move will maintain in perpetuity the region’s fragile ecosystem and natural resources, as will as provide recreational opportunities for hikers, campers, hunters and others. What will be named Mojave Trails […]readmore
VOA News U.S. defense chief Ash Carter appealed Thursday to his counterparts in the U.S.-led coalition conducting aerial attacks on Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for more military and financial help to carry out the campaign. Carter met with defense ministers from more than two dozen countries in Brussels, talking privately with some officials […]readmore
VOA News The remaining armed protestors occupying a U.S. federal wildlife refuge in the northwestern state of Oregon have agreed to turn themselves in Thursday morning, according to media reports. As that development was unfolding, word came that the patriarch of the family at the center of the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge […]readmore
Smita Nordwall The government in the northern U.S. state of Michigan is scrambling to help resolve the toxic water crisis in the city of Flint, where lead has been found in the bloodstreams of more than 200 children. Here’s a look at the who, what, where and why of the public health crisis that has […]readmore
VOA News The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against the central U.S. city of Ferguson, Missouri, after it refused to accept a deal that would have reformed its mostly white police department. The Ferguson City Council said the package, which had been negotiated between the federal government and city officials, costs too much. At […]readmore
La Corte Suprema de Justicia de Estados Unidos decidió suspender un ambicioso programa del gobierno que limita de forma draconiana las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de las centrales eléctricas. El tribunal suspendió temporalmente la aplicación del Clean Power Plan (‘Proyecto para una Energía Limpia’), elaborado por la Agencia de Protección del Ambiente (EPA) […]readmore
El presidente Barack Obama anunció el martes un nuevo esfuerzo centralizado para incrementar la seguridad cibernética en el país. Obama dijo que los sistemas de computación del gobierno federal son demasiado arcaicos y no están preparados para proteger de ataques cibernéticos las enormes cantidades de importantes datos que almacenan. “Hoy estamos proponiendo un nuevo plan […]readmore
Under the President’s leadership, we have turned our economy around and created 14 million jobs. Our unemployment rate is below five percent for the first time in almost eight years. Nearly 18 million people have gained health coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect. And we have dramatically cut our deficits by almost […]readmore
El presidente Barack Obama presentó este martes su última propuesta de presupuesto de la nación para ejecutarse a partir del próximo año, cuando ya no esté en la Casa Blanca, y el Congreso parece estar dispuesto a ignorarla. El presupuesto, el octavo y último que propone Obama, contempla gastos superiores a los $4 billones de […]readmore
Hasib Danish Alikozai DES MOINES, IOWA—While polls show that most Iowans had the U.S. economy on their minds when they participated in Monday’s caucuses to choose a candidate for president, one group of caucus watchers was picking candidates with a different issue in mind.Five thousand of Iowa’s National Guard troops have served in Afghanistan […]readmore