VOA NEWS Los fondos servirán para apoyar a más de 6,3 millones de refugiados en más de 20 países y para darles oportunidades de educación La Casa Blanca anunció en un comunicado el compromiso de 51 compañías estadounidenses con los refugiados en Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo “en respuesta al “Llamado a la acción” […]readmore
VOA NEWS El presidente conversó brevemente con los agentes y elogió su labor calificándola de «extraordinaria». El presidente Barack Obama felicitó a los dos policías de Nueva Jersey que arrestaron al sospechoso de colocar artefactos explosivos en Nueva York y Nueva Jersey. Obama dijo en Nueva York que había llamado por teléfono a los dos […]readmore
Somali community leaders in St. Cloud, Minnesota say they are “shocked” at the news that a Somali-American man allegedly stabbed nine people at a shopping mall on Saturday evening. A community elder, Jama Alimad, told VOA Somali that the community is worried of the impact of this incident. “This is a very serious matter, that […]readmore
VOA News Steve Herman NEW YORK — A big blow was dealt to efforts to bring about peace in Syria when aid trucks trying to reach besieged Aleppo were hit in an airstrike Monday. The attack almost certainly has destroyed the one-week cease-fire negotiated between the United States and Russia, according to observers. «We don’t know […]readmore
Discussions and town hall meetings to kick off year-long program across Rhode Island to raise awareness about heroin and opioid addiction On Friday, President Barack Obama and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch designated the week of September 19-23, 2016, as National Heroin and Opioid Awareness Week. Regional town hall meetings and discussions organized in collaboration […]readmore
WASHINGTON, DC –The Obama Administration announce a plan to designate the nation’s first marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean, comprised of two areas encompassing three canyons and four seamounts around 150 miles off the New England coast, U.S. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and U.S. Representatives James Langevin (D-RI) and David […]readmore
Washington, D.C. – By a vote of 95-3, the Senate passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2016, which will promote improvements to our waterways, harbors, and drinking water infrastructure and support U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects in Rhode Island championed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Environment and Public […]readmore
New York – The NYPD says a man was shot by police in Midtown Thursday afternoon after he attacked an officer with a meat cleaver. First responders were called to West 32nd Street and Broadway just before 5 p.m. for reports of a shooting. Sources said the suspect may have hit the police officer on […]readmore
VOA News Katherine Gypson PORTLAND, ME — Judi Richardson doesn’t understand how a gun background check can be a burden to anyone. She pages through a binder stuffed with newspaper clips that tell the story of the last six years, starting with the night in 2010 when a still unidentified intruder broke into her 25-year-old daughter […]readmore
Steve Herman VOA News STATE DEPARTMENT — More than 120 ocean conservation projects, including nearly $2 billion in new pledges and commitments, are being announced at a major maritime conference hosted by the U.S. State Department. Officials say the measures will affect more than 2 million square kilometers in new or expanded marine protected areas around […]readmore